★ | 006. bassy this bassy that, black butler

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Book: Multipeople Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 6: Bassy This Bassy That, Black Butler
Word Count: 601

Book: Multipeople Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 6: Bassy This Bassy That, Black Butler Word Count: 601

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He had always been the subject of Grell's affections. He used to say it annoyed him and he wished Grell would leave him alone. Oh... how much he wished he could take that back. Now, Grell's focus was on some demon named Sebastian. Naturally, [name] hated him and he hadn't even met him.

"What's so good about him?" [name] complained, reading the list of names of the people's souls he would be reaping the next day. "Bassy this, Bassy that. Demon scum." He was in his office, not wanting to go anywhere just yet.

A wave of red hair, flew past his office window before they entered his office. He slowly brought his face up, seeing Grell with that huge smile on his face. "I heard you!" He sang. "Oh, you are jealous aren't you? I knew it! I knew you would get jealous, huh?" He laughed, rushing over to him and wrapping his arms around his neck, leaning down so their faces were squished together.

"Grell... please get off me." [name] held back a smile, not wanting Grell to see that he actually missed his antics.

"No! I know you love me." Grell sighed in content. "Bassy could never compare to you."

"I know that." He grumbled, not liking to think about the demon. "He's nothing compared to me."

"Well, if you're so confident than you wouldn't mind if I go and see him now." Grell stood up and walked towards the office door.

Though in less than a second, arms were wrapped around his waist and he was being dragged back into the office and pushed against the wall. "No. Stay here with me."

"Oh, [name]." Grell's face went red like his hair and he brought his hands up to rest on the other males chest. "You have no idea how happy your words make me."

[name] finally smiled, leaning forward to rest his foreheads on the man who had been chasing him for so long. "I never knew how much I would miss you by seeing you want someone else. I've been so stupid."

Grell giggled, pushing himself closer to the other reaper. "Very stupid but your looks make up for it, so it's okay." [name] hadn't expected a different response. He turned them around and lifted Grell onto his desk, having him wrap his legs around his waist. "Oh, yes."

[name] smirked, eyes turning dark. "Now, you have me, what do you want me to do to you?"

Grell's eyes widened, "everything! Do anything and everything to me!"

[name]'s teeth sharpened and he squeezed Grell's thighs tightly.  "Your wish is my command."

★ ★ ★

William walked through the office space, books held tightly in his hands, making his way towards [name] to give him the new list of names he would be reaping.

He stopped outside the office and opened the door. "[name]-" He cut himself off, his eyes widening and books falling out of his hands as he took in the sight in front of him. "What have I said about no sex in the office?!"

[name] growled, still completely naked as Grell was bent over in front of him. "You have two seconds to leave before I rip your head off."

William scoffed, picking up the fallen books. "You have one hour or I'll be the one ripping both of your heads off!" He shouted, slamming the door behind him.

"Oh, what a spoil sport." Grell huffed but quickly made new noises as [name] went back to work behind him.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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