★ | 176. messed with you, death note

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 176: Messed With You, Death Note
Word Count: 1091

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 176: Messed With You, Death NoteWord Count: 1091

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He frowned as he looked down at the math question. He wouldn't exactly call himself the smartest kid in school, quite the opposite actually. He never failed though because his boyfriend would always be there by his side, helping him through to understand more. A perk of dating someone outrageously smart. He was at his house at the moment, trying not to let Light see that there was something bothering him.

He groaned, throwing his head back and lying back down on the bed. "I suck at this." He closed his eyes, hearing Light's chuckle.

"You do not suck." Light commented, closing the math book gently and placing it on the floor next to them. He leaned up next to [name], resting his head on his hand. "Is something up? You don't seem like yourself."

[name] frowned, thinking of a way to change the subject. He leaned up quickly, capturing his lips in his. He knew if there was one thing Light couldn't resist it was him.

Light placed his hand on his chest, pushing his back down again. "Nice try but I know how you work. You won't be distracting me anytime soon." He sighed. "Are you going to tell me what's up now?"

[name] avoided his eyes, sitting back up, feeling Light's hand leave his chest. "It's nothing... really." Yeah, that was convincing. "You don't need to worry about it. I'm fine, you're fine, we're fine."

"Yes, I am fine. You, however, are not. I'm your boyfriend, it's my duty to worry about you. I won't stop until you tell me what's going on." Light continued to push, looking up at [name] through his lashes, hoping the look would give him some encouragement.

[name] pursed his lips, having an internal debate with himself. "Fine but you have to promise me not to get angry." Light narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was about to hear. "It really is nothing but if you must hear... there was this guy at school... and when we were in the locker room..."

Light's eyes started to darken, "what happened?"

"He came onto me but I pushed him off! I told him about you and after... he just started saying all these mean things and tried to start a fight with me but luckily a teacher came in before he got to aggressive. It's fine though." [name] added quickly when he saw Light's growing anger. "Really, it was nothing. He came onto me, I rejected him and he got angry. It's really nothing to dwell on."

"Mm." Light hummed, "who was it?"

"Do you really need to know? There's nothing that can be done about it." [name] didn't think he'd ever seen Light get into a fight and he didn't want him to start now because of this.

"Because I want to know what guy came onto my boyfriend and so I can avoid him." Light lied straight through his teeth. "I'm not going to confront him or anything." This time, he spoke the truth.

"Fine it was Kagami." [name] answered and Light immediately knew who it was. He had shared a couple classes with the boy. A loud boy who always wanted everyone's attention and was always with a new girl every week, bullied anyone he could. He had even caused one kid to move schools because he couldn't handle it anymore. Now Light knew why Kagami got so aggressive. He was probably afraid [name] would try and out him.

"Thank you for telling me." Light said gently, pushing [name] back down so he was lying and than rested his head on his chest. "Don't worry about him. He'll get what he deserves."

[name] laughed, not hearing the seriousness in Light's tone. "Yeah. He's a dick but I'm not afraid of him. I could take him in a fight any day." Which was true. [name] was sporty and knew how to defend himself. Thanks to lessons from his dad.

Light smiled to himself, tracing shapes into [name]'s chest.

An hour later, [name] had to go home and Light sat in his room by himself at his desk, staring down at the black notebook. He opened it, getting his pen out and pushing into the paper, writing the boys name with a clear image in his mind. The boy who had done nothing but be cruel to others and even had the audacity to come after [name].

When the name was engraved, a wide, evil smile overcame Light's lips, knowing the boy would be dead in exactly forty seconds of a heart attack.

The next day, Light was walking through the courtyard of his school when [name] rushed up to him, eyes wide and breathing heavy, "did you hear what happened?!"

A faux confused expression came over Light's face. He had a feeling [name] was talking about Kagami. "No. What?"

"K-Kagami's dead! He died last night of a heart attack." [name] was frowning the whole time, looking upset. "It must have been Kira, right? I mean, that's how all the others died but why would he kill Kagami? And the last thing I said about him was that he was a dick. Now I feel like a dick."

Light growled lowly, grabbing onto [name]'s hand. "Just because he died doesn't make him any less of a horrible human being. Don't worry about it. One less scum off the earth, right?"

[name] looked at him slightly in shock, not expecting for him to say that. "I-I mean, he wasn't a great person but... did he really deserve to die?"

Light sighed, wishing [name] would see it the same way he did. He would make him one day because if Light was going to become the new God, he needed [name] to understand and be by his side, encouraging him, not scolding him. "Yes he did. We only need good people on this earth. Think of how much better everything would be if it was like that."

"I guess." [name] shrugged, not knowing how to answer that. "And with the way Kira's going, the world could become like that... Kagami must have done something really bad we don't know about to have Kira come after him."

Yeah, he messed with you. Light leaned up and kissed him. "He was a bad person, don't feel bad for hating him." He wrapped his arms around [name]'s shoulders and pulled him into a hug. I'll never let anyone hurt you.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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