★ | 122. hello lover, buffy the vampire slayer

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 122: Hello Lover, Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 1336

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 122: Hello Lover, Buffy The Vampire SlayerWord Count: 1336

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He sat with his head in his hand as he blew out breaths of frustration. "I'm so scared of him... I never thought I could feel this way towards him but... he's going to kill me." Tears of anguish left his eyes. He didn't even bother trying to hold them back.

Buffy narrowed her eyes in determination. "I'm not going to let him get anywhere near you. Do you understand? As long as I'm around, you and your family are safe."

He looked up at her, comforted by her words. [name] never thought he would be in this situation. Being stalked and hunted by his ex boyfriend.

Angel had been everything to him. He had loved him with everything he had but one night changed everything. They had had sex. It had been his first time and the happiness he felt about it was short lived.

Instead it was replaced with sorrow because Angel had turned back into Angelus. All because they had sex. He wished he could go back to that night and take it back.

He was perfectly fine never having sex again if it meant he got Angel back. That's all he wanted. "Thank you for being here Buffy." She had hardly left his side since Angelus had come back.

The evil vampire was obsessed with him and had made countless threats to ruin his life. He didn't know whether Angelus wanted to kill him or keep him locked away to torture him until he died. Either option wasn't great. Though as long as neither his friends or family were hurt, he would accept the fate.

"Try and get some sleep. We have school tomorrow." She was hoping that would take his mind of things. He nodded his head and laid back in bed, landed on the soft pillow. He knew he would be getting no sleep tonight but he would try. Buffy laid down next to him and pulled the covers up over both of them. "Just wake me up if you get scared, okay?"

She sounded like his mother. He turned his head and smiled at her, trying to calm his fearful racing heart. "I will. I promise." He lied. He didn't wake her up because if she was awake every time he got scared, than she wouldn't be getting any sleep either and she needed all the strength she could get if she were to fight Angelus.

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Two months had passed and surprisingly, [name] hadn't heard anything of Angelus. No notes, no threats, not stalking. It was great. Maybe he had left town and wasn't coming back. Maybe he had found someone knew to torment.

Maybe he was dead. Deep down inside him, he wished that wasn't true because if he died, Angel did as well and he still had hope he would get Angel back.

He was out with Buffy, Willow and Xander for the first time in a while and was having a good time. There was a cute, little carnival on so they all decided to take a break from slaying and worrying about monsters to have a night out.

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