★ | 187. game boy, haikyuu

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 187: Game Boy, Haikyuu
Word Count: 1120

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 187: Game Boy, HaikyuuWord Count: 1120

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"I'm going to Kenma's house now, mum. I'll be back tomorrow morning!" [name] called, hearing her quick reply of okay, I love you before he left through the front door.

He was so excited to be able to spend the night at his boyfriend's house because they had both been so busy lately and they hadn't had much time to spend together.

He had a bag of movies on his back that he couldn't wait to watch and they were going to order pizza. He already knew it was going to be a great night and the thought made him pick up his pace.

He arrived at Kenma's roughly ten minutes later and walked in. He had already been given permission to walk straight into the house and not bother knocking. Kenma's parents loved him so they didn't mind.

He went to Kenma's room and opened the door, seeing Kenma laying back on the bed playing on his game boy. "I'm here!" [name] called excitedly.

His smile fell slightly when Kenma mumbled a, "hi," back and didn't bother looking at him.

He pushed the negative feeling to the side and smiled again. "I brought all the movies I wanted you to watch. I think we should start with a comedy and than as the night goes on, move onto horror. That way you can cuddle me when you get scared." He teased.

"Sounds good." Kenma said absentmindedly, jabbing his fingers into the game boy.

"Okay..." [name] grumbled and put his bag on the ground, getting on his knees and pulling the first movie out. He really hoped Kenma would put the game boy down and watch the movie with him.

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He sat on the bed with his arms crossed and a glare. The television in front of him showed some stupid comedy with stupid humour but there were no laughs being heard. He was to angry to laugh and Kenma was to focused on his game.

He glanced to the side, annoyance filling him. He had to think of some way to get Kenma off that stupid device. "Babe! Watch this part. It's so freaking funny." He said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

Kenma glanced up for a second with a small hum before looking back down.

[name] narrowed his eyes and huffed. He tried to get Kenma to pay attention again and again and each time he failed. It wasn't until the credits of the movie come up that [name] realised he didn't have a chance of getting Kenma to watch any movies. He had to think of something else to do.

He smirked when he thought of something and turned to the side, placing a sweet kiss on Kenma's cheek before moving down his neck. "Kenma..." He whined.

The feeling of his neck being kissed made Kenma distracted from his game and he shouted a loud, "no!" when his character died. "Why would you do that?! I was just about to beat my high score!" He snapped. "Now I have to start again. Thanks a lot. God! Just leave me alone."

"Screw this." [name] snapped back, whipping himself up off the bed. "What was the point of me even coming here if you were going to spend the whole time on that thing? I've been trying to get your attention all night and the only time I do is when you have a fit at me?"

Kenma widened his eyes in surprise, watching as his boyfriend began to pack his stuff back into his bag. "Wait, what are you doing?"

"What do you think? I'm going home. I don't want to be here with you anymore. You're being a dick." He threw his bag on his back and shook his head. "You know what sucks? I was so happy to finally be able to spend time with you and now I wish I never came here."

He ignored Kenma's sad look and left, walking home quickly, surrounded by his own thoughts. Maybe Kenma just wasn't that into him anymore.

He opened his front door when he got home and walked in, seeing his mum come from around the corner with raised eyebrows. "I thought you were staying at Kenma's tonight?"

"Not anymore." He replied. "I'm going to bed."

Back at Kenma's house, the boy was still sitting on his bed, arms wrapped around his legs as guilt filled him. He hadn't meant to snap at [name] like that. It was an accident and now he felt horrible about it. "You're such an idiot." He breathed out.

He picked up his game boy and put it away in one of his drawers. He had been spending to much time on it and now his attention had to be on something else.

He put on a warm sweater and left his house. He just hoped [name] wasn't to mad at him and would forgive him. On his way to the other boys house, he ordered and picked up two pizzas, hoping that would put [name] in a more forgiving mood.

When he got to the house, he slowly and quietly walked in, looking around.

"Oh, hello Kenma." [name]'s mum greeted cheerfully. "[name] is up in his room."

Kenma nodded and thanked her before making his way up the stairs and going into his boyfriends room. "Hey." He greeted softly.

[name] looked over his shoulder with a frown. "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking tense.

"We were supposed to spend the night together and I was hoping we could still do that." He said, smiling softly and holding up the pizza. "I brought food." He walked over and put it on the bed. "I'm really sorry for how I acted. I wasn't thinking and I promise you'll have all of my attention for the rest of our lives... just don't be mad at me."

[name] was still annoyed from their previous conversation but sighed, moving to the side to indicate for Kenma to sit down.

"I really am sorry." Kenma said after a pause of silence.

"I know... it's okay." [name] smiled at him back. "Besides, how could I still be mad at you when you brought me pizza." He grabbed one of the boxes and pulled it towards him. "I'm glad you came over... I didn't want to miss out on our date night."

"Of course." Kenma nodded quickly, launching himself forward into [name]'s body and tackling him to the bed with a large grin when he heard his boyfriend laugh. "Thank you for forgiving me."

"I haven't forgiven you yet but I will if you kiss me."

Kenma blushed but complied with his wishes.

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Authors Note: See below!

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