★ | 088. do not like you, celebrity

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 88: Do Not Like You, Celebrity
Word Count: 587

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 88: Do Not Like You, Celebrity Word Count: 587

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"I told you Jungkook, I do not like you!" [name] shouted at the cocky boy. It's all he had been hearing for the past week. For some reason, Jungkook had suddenly gotten the idea that he liked him. Which he didn't. He didn't know where Jungkook got that impression. Sure, he had been nothing but nice to him but did that mean Jungkook thought everyone that was nice to him had a crush on him?

"Why do you keep denying it?" Jungkook pouted, moving to wrap his arms around Namjoon's younger brother, only to be pushed off and that only made him pout his bottom lip even more.

"I keep denying it because it isn't true! My god, what is so hard to understand about that?" He was getting more and more annoyed. He turned around to fully face the other male and stared him straight in the eyes, "I do not like you and I don't know where you got that impression from. Me and you, will never be a thing and the only thing your doing right now, is annoying me."

Jungkook's smirk fell slighting before he cleared his throat and the cocky expression came back on his face. "Whatever you say babe, but we all know your lying and the sooner you admit that the better."

"Ugh. You are the most annoying person I have ever met in my entire life." He threw his arms up, ducking under Jungkook and making his escape to the door. "Why are you even in my house? I told you Namjoon isn't here so leave and go find him!"

"I know he isn't here. He told me. That's exactly why I came over because now I can flirt with you all I want without him having a fit about it. For some reason, he doesn't want us together. I don't know why. We're perfect for each other."

"Maybe because you're a fuck boy whose been with half the school and he doesn't want me to get hurt. I'm not one of your conquests, Jungkook and it's time you realise that I don't want a one night stand. I want a boyfriend."

"I'll be your boyfriend. I don't just want a one night stand either. I can see us actually being together and-"

"How many times have you said that? Because everyone I've talked to have told me you promised to be their boyfriend, to love them and care for them, than after you've had your fun with them, you leave them, never to speak to them again. Does that sound like boyfriend material?"

"You're different, I swear. I would never lie to you."

He still didn't believe him. "Just forget about it. I'm obviously not going to get through to you. Besides, I like someone else. You know Taehyung? He is so cute."

"You like him?! He's so not your type. I am your type." Jungkook pointed at himself with a smile. "I can show you that I will be a way better boyfriend than him. Just give me one chance. I promise you won't regret it."

"Let me think..." He trailed off and Jungkook thought he was finally going to get a yes. He already had his happy dance prepared in his head. "No."

"Oh, come on!" Jungkook called to the retreating back.

★ ★ ★

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