★ | 150. meeting again, it chapter two

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 150: Meeting Again, It Chapter Two
Word Count: 1322

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 150: Meeting Again, It Chapter TwoWord Count: 1322

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There were few times in [name]'s life where he could spend some quality time relaxing. He was either busy shooting a movie or going on tours or meeting fans. Don't even get him started on that time his home address got leaked and he had to up and move out of the house he loved.

It had just been to dangerous to stay.

He had been sitting in a meeting, listening to the boring details of some commercial he was supposed to appear in when he got the phone call. The very one he had never been expecting. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the unknown number.

It was unprofessional of him but something in him told him he needed to answer this call. He held up his finger and gestured to his phone, already standing up to leave the room, ignoring the protests coming from his manger.

Entering into the hallway he answered the call, "hello?"

"[name]? It's Mike."

The actor raked his brain, not remembering anyone he knew with that name. He narrowed his eyes, hoping this wasn't some fan who somehow found his number. "Mike who?"

"Mike Hanlon... from Derry."

The name... the town... it was slowly coming back to him. Mike was his friend, Derry was the town he grew up in. Why were his thoughts so fuzzy when he tried to dig deeper? An unknown fear entered him but he pushed it aside and cleared his throat. "Mike! Wow. It's been a while."

"I need you to come back home. It's back."

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[name] had never gone back to that meeting. His manager was going to kill him but his mind was to muddled to care.

He walked into his big, expensive house, making his way straight to his bedroom to pack a bag. Mike had told him that the whole gang was coming back and he was excited to see them all again. They had been his childhood best friends after all.

"What are you doing?" His boyfriend, Damien spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

[name] paused in his packing, looking up from the pile of clothes he was shoving into the suitcase. What was he supposed to say to him?

"Um... I'm going out of town for a few days to see some old friends." He resumed in his packing, not pausing even though he knew Damien was glaring at him.

He and Damien had been growing apart. It wasn't the same anymore. The love and spark had faded and now it seemed to be a chore to talk to each other. Damien would never leave him though. He enjoyed the luxurious lifestyle to much.

"You're really just going to up and leave without giving me any notice?" Damien glared at him. "Where are you even going?"

"My hometown." He answered shortly, not wanting to get into it. Damien hadn't been interested in his life for a while. The only thing they ever talked about was finances. [name] didn't know why he didn't just dump him already.

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