★ | 035. reading his diary, supernatural

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 35: Reading His Diary, Supernatural
Word Count: 1399

"I'm going to get some lunch from the diner down the road, do you want anything?" [name] asked as he picked up his jacket and pushed his arms through the holes, pulling it up his back as he stared at the only other person in the room, the youngest...

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"I'm going to get some lunch from the diner down the road, do you want anything?" [name] asked as he picked up his jacket and pushed his arms through the holes, pulling it up his back as he stared at the only other person in the room, the youngest Winchester.

"No. Thanks though. I'm not hungry." Sam smiled at him, watching the other man turn around and make his way out of the door, closing it behind him. Cas and Dean were out and wouldn't be back for a while so Sam had the room to himself. He closed his laptop and looked around in boredom. Maybe he should've gone with [name].

He clicked his tongue a few times before standing up and stretching. Maybe he should just read this new lore book [name] had given him. He walked over to the bag and dug his hand around the contents, not looking until he felt the familiar book shape and pulled it out, eyebrows furrowing when he saw this definitely wasn't the book he was looking for. Come to think of it... this wasn't even his bag. It was [name]'s.

He looked the book over and shrugged, going to his bed and lying back down, deciding to just read it. He had thought it was just a normal book but when he opened it and read the first few sentences, he realised it was anything but that. It was a diary. [name]'s diary to be exact. It seems Sam had stumbled upon something he shouldn't have. He bit his lip and closed the book. He couldn't read it. That would be wrong and totally invading the other guys privacy... on the other hand, Sam was really bored and [name] had always acted a little weird around him, so maybe he should just do it. It's not like [name] would ever find out anyway.

He flipped his way through the book and though each page he turned the more guilty he felt, he just couldn't bring himself to stop. He didn't know how the other guy would react if he found out but Sam just hoped he would never have to find out.

His eyes slowly dragged down the page before he froze, fingers clenching on the corner of the page as he read a very interesting fact. [name] had a crush on a Winchester. It didn't specify which one and Sam narrowed his eyes, wondering if something was going on between him and Dean. He started reading more quicker this time, wanting to find the page where [name] revealed which one it was. It was only a couple pages later, he stopped at a passage.

Why do I have to love him so much? It'll never happen. It's always me getting stuck in the stupid unrequited love situations. It's not fair. Why can't you just love me back Sam. I would love you better than anyone else ever had. I'd do anything for you to love me back.

Sam frowned, the guilt he was feeling for a different reason now. He had no idea this was how he felt. He was to oblivious to notice. Now that he thought about all the time they had spent together, it was pretty obvious.

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