★ | 062. hate me, the vampire diaries

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 62: Hate Me, The Vampire Diaries
Word Count: 1037

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 62: Hate Me, The Vampire DiariesWord Count: 1037

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Stefan was officially on his bad side. Why? Because he was acting like a little bitch. He and [name] had been dancing around each other and he thought they were finally going to get together but nope, Stefan had down a one eighty and now was going on with shit like, oh, we can't be together, it's to dangerous, you deserve better.

It was really fucking annoying. Stefan had also been avoiding him so [name] couldn't even try and talk to him and change his mind. He wasn't going to let him get away with that.

He had gone to the boarding house after school, knowing Stefan was going to be there. Damon had texted and told him. One good thing the oldest Salvatore had done for him. He hadn't even been able to get inside the house before Stefan was coming out, a pained expression. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What do you think I'm doing here, hero hair?" He replied, a thick layer of annoyance in his voice. "I'm not just someone you can ignore and expect me to accept that."

"I've already told you why we can't be together..."

"And all of your excuses were bullshit. Nothing is going to happen to me by us being together. There's no big bad in town and the scariest thing in my life right now, is my history essay with Alaric." He huffed. "Why are you acting like this?"

"You're angry... good, it'll be easier if you hate me." Stefan looked down at the ground.

[name] rolled his eyes and walked closer to him, the tips of their shoes touching each other. "I don't hate you. That's what sucks. I love you, so much and, and I can't just forget everything we've been through because you're scared."

"I've lost so many people and it's been my fault. I can't lose you to. It would kill me." Stefan shook his head, refusing to look up at the male he had fallen in love with.

"If you're really that upset... you could always just turn me." He shrugged. Stefan narrowed his eyes with a huff. That was a touchy subject for Stefan. [name] wanted to be turned and to become a vampire but he was only eighteen and Stefan felt like he should live his life before even thinking about that.

[name] didn't want to do that though. He knew what he wanted and he wanted to become a vampire and be with Stefan. He knew there would be obstacles and life as a vampire would probably be a lot harder but he knew he was ready.

"You know I can't do that! You need to experience life and you need to experience it without me. I can't give you what a normal, human guy can."

"I don't want a normal, human guy! How many times do I have to say that before you listen? I can't imagine my life without you in it, so please, please don't leave." He was so scared Stefan would just leave without telling him and he would never see him again. "What's between us... I;m never going to feel again."

"But you will. You're eighteen and you'll meet a lot of new people. You haven't even gone to college. This is a irreversible choice and what if one day you do decide you want a family? Want a normal life where you don't have to leave town every ten years? You can never have that if you're a vampire or with me."

[name] continuously shook his head as Stefan spoke. He didn't agree and he would never agree. He lifted his arms and wrapped them around Stefan's waist. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to upset you, I just... I'm scared if I don't make a good case than you'll leave town."

Stefan looked up from the ground, "I would never leave without saying goodbye." Seeing the look overcome the over males eyes, he quickly added, "but I have no plans to leave anyway. I'm gonna be here to protect you."

"I'm not a baby, you know? I can protect myself."

"Not against a vampire who's hungry or looking for some revenge against me."

"...yeah, I guess you're right about that one." [name] ran his hands slowly up and down Stefan's side. "Does that mean, you're finally done skipping school and ignoring me?"

"I was acting childishly. I shouldn't have ignored you, I just know what a stubborn dick you are and thought giving you some time without me would make you change your mind. I guess that didn't work out very well."

"Guess it just proved that I know what I want and I'm confident in what I want. Which is you. Forever."

Stefan couldn't help but smile at that. It was sweet, even if he didn't want [name] to become a vampire for a very long time.

"Well, aren't you two just sickeningly sweet." Damon rolled his eyes as he walked out of the house and towards his car, "You know, if you really want to be turned, I would be more than happy to do that for you, I hear your blood is delicious."

"Shut up, Damon!" Stefan snapped with a growl, stepping in front of [name] protectively.

Damon laughed, getting in his car and looking at the through his open window. "I was just kidding Steffy, calm down." He then turned to the other male.

"Even if he wasn't I wouldn't let his mouth anywhere near me. I'm already disgusted just thinking about it."

"Aw, you wound me with your words. Fine, stay a pathetic little human. Don't come crying to me when you're dead." He laughed loudly as he drove off.

"I actually hate him and it takes a lot for me to hate someone." [name] crossed his arms over his chest in annoyance.

"You and everyone else who has ever met him." Stefan laughed. A much nicer sound than what had left Damon's lips.

"But you know what that means. We have the house to ourselves and you still have a lot of making up to do."

★ ★ ★

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