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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 50: Mixed Messages, Celebrity
Word Count: 1140

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 50: Mixed Messages, CelebrityWord Count: 1140

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"What do you mean, you're cancelling? Perrie, this is the third time this week. Do you not want to go on this date or something?" [name] spoke angrily into the phone. He had already gotten ready and was prepared to leave the house when his maybe girlfriend called him and told him she was too busy to come. He was pissed.

"Of course I do! I'm just really busy. You knew what you signed up for when you asked me to date you. I can't help that my job takes up a lot of my time!" She yelled back, not even trying to calm him down. She was already stressed out and her maybe boyfriend wasn't helping.

She was hoping he would just say okay and reschedule but of course life couldn't be that easy. He had done exactly that the first couple times she cancelled. She knew she was pushing her luck wanting him to accept it again.

"You know what, Perrie? Don't even worry about it because I'm done waiting around for you." He snapped, taking the phone away from his ear and hanging up in anger. He just couldn't take it anymore. He liked her, he really did but it seemed she didn't like him back all that much.

It was always him who had to make the new plans, always him that got cancelled on, it was always him who had to cater to her. He had even taken work off tonight so they could go out. He shook his head and walked back to his room, taking his dress shirt off before calling the restaurant to cancel the reservations.

He didn't want to spend another night at home not doing anything. He had been having to many nights like that. He got his phone back out and called up one of his best friends, hoping she wasn't busy. "Hey, Kendall. Please tell me you're free tonight."

"You know I'm never busy for you sweety. What have you got in mind?" She asked back and a wide smile overcame his face.

The two ended up at a busy club, the music was loud and it was completely packed. So much that he and Kendall were squished together as they tried to get to the bar to get drunk. "Jesus, I didn't think it would be this busy tonight."

"This is the hottest club in town. It's always busy." She laughed, ordering them both their drinks before they took a seat in one of the private back lounges so no fans would be able to come up to them. "So, what are we doing here? The last I remember, you told me you had a date."

"I did but she cancelled it once again. I honestly don't know if this is her subtle way of telling me she doesn't like me." He took a gulp of his drink, enjoying the burn that slid down his throat.

"If she didn't like you, she wouldn't of said yes to going out with you in the first place. Besides I've seen the way she looks at you, I know she likes you." She rolled her eyes, playing with the straw in her drink. "She's a famous singer that's always working on music, didn't you expect this?"

"I did but I've dated famous singers before and I've seen them a whole lot more than I've seen Perrie. I don't know... I really like her but I feel like our relationship is going nowhere. We've known each other for months now and I hardly see her." He groaned, thinking to the beautiful blonde that had captured his attention the second he saw her.

"Relationships take work and if you really like her, than just give her some more time but ultimately, it's your decision if you want to do that."

He thought about it the whole time they were at the club, which was a few good hours and by the time they left, it was nearing three a.m. Both of them being more than drunk and getting Kendall's driver to take both of them back to her place.

He passed out the second his head hit the pillow on the couch and soft snores left his lips. It was safe to say he was exhausted and even in his dreams he couldn't forget about the blonde. It made him think that yes, she was worth it and he knew if he broke things off with her now, he would regret it.

The next morning he woke up with a loud groan, feeling like his head was exploding and his stomach was turning, feeling like he was about to throw up. "Oh, god. I'm never drinking again." He rolled onto his side and picked up his phone to see the time, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw a bunch of missed calls and text messages from Perrie. What had happened in the last couple hours that warranted this reaction from her.

He called her back even though he felt like he was dying and immediately pulled the phone away from his ear as she started yelling at him. "Are you kidding me?! Are you seriously cheating on me with Kendall Jenner?!"

"What?" He mumbled, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. "What are you even talking about?"

"You two are all over Twitter and I've seen the pictures, you're all over each other." She yelled, only making his headache ten times worse.

He sighed loudly, "shes my best friend and decided to comfort me when I was upset that the girl I actually like cancelled on me. Sorry I just wanted to get out and have some fun but that doesn't mean I cheated on you. Me and Kendall have only ever been friends."

She was silent on the other end before she sighed as well, "look, I'm sorry... it's just sometimes I get caught up in my work and I can't pull myself away. I-I really am sorry I hurt you but I promise you that I won't cancel on our next date. I really like you and I don't want to lose the chance to be with you."

He smiled, feeling his face heat up. "You won't lose the chance to be with me because I want to be with you so fucking bad." He laughed. "When are you next free and we can go out then."

So they made plans and this time, Perrie didn't cancel and the date had been perfect, ending with an even more perfect kiss. They were all over Twitter the next day and that's exactly how both of them liked it.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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