★ | 175. joined for you, cheer boys

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 175: Joined For You, Cheer Boys
Word Count: 1145

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 175: Joined For You, Cheer BoysWord Count: 1145

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"This is exactly the opportunity I've been waiting for." [name] said with a smirk, seeing his long time crush with another guy trying to recruit members for their cheer team.

He had been trying to find so many excuses to talk to him and this way he could be close to him and they would have more things to talk about.

"You're going to join the cheerleading team? You haven't got the first clue on how to cheer." His best friend, Katsuki said with a furrow of his eyebrows. "You're going to join and end up breaking your body."

"It'll be worth it if I can get Haruki to fall in love with me." He put his hands together and swooned. "He's so freaking cute."

He went to walk forward but Katsuki grabbed his arm and held him back. "Are you one hundred percent sure you want to do this? Because I am not taking care of your broken ass when you inevitably hurt yourself."

He turned back around and put a hand on Katsuki's shoulder. "You won't need to take care of me because by the time I inevitably break my ass, Haruki will be in love with me and more then happy to take care of me."

Katsuki rolled his eyes at the idiot.

[name] made his way to Haruki and Haruki's best friend Kazuma. He put on his most charming smile and stood in a confident stance. "I would like to join your club!"

Kazuma raised his eyebrows. "Really? I didn't think you would be interested in this."

He shrugged his shoulders, only glancing away from Haruki to say, "what can I say. I'm a man of many talents." He winked at the brunette, making him blush. He felt a sense of pride being able to make him blush.

"Haruki, hand him one of those flyers." Kazuma said, being the more commanding one out of the two males. He also knew that Haruki had a crush on him so he wanted to make them have as much contact as possible.

Haruki awkwardly smiled and held out the colourful flyer he had spent all night making.

[name] took the flyer, letting his fingers glide across the other males. He was really putting out all the moves now. He looked down at the flyer and read, "so the meeting is Thursday night?"

"Yep! We haven't had to many people join yet... you're actually our first taker." The club had just been started after all.

"So it will be a cheer team of three?" He questioned, seeing Haruki was embarrassed that no one was joining their club. "That's great! Just means we'll have more one on one time." He bit his lip and stared at the brunette.

"Okay, enough flirting." Kazuma teased.

"H - He wasn't flirting!" Haruki exclaimed, sending a glare to his best friend.

"On the contrary." [name] grinned and inched closer to him. "That's exactly what I was doing. See you Thursday night." He thought that was the best time to leave since he had turned Haruki into a stuttering, blushing mess.

He walked back over to Katsuki who was giving him a look. "How did it go?"

"He is so into me." He responded cockily.

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By the time the first cheer practice was on, the club had grown to a large size and was no longer just the three of them. [name] was sitting on the mat with his legs crossed as he watched the others stretch.

He was playing his phone in boredom until he saw Haruki in the distance. He jumped up excitedly and ran over to him. "Finally. I was waiting for you to show up. Want me to help you stretch?" He asked eagerly.

Haruki jumped back in surprise and said, "um, I already stretched."

His shoulders slumped and he pouted, "that sucks." He thought this would be a good opportunity to get his hands on him. He had to stop himself from letting his thoughts wander.

"Y - You can help me next time." Haruki said, looking down at his feet.

"I would love to." A new sudden eagerness entered him and he couldn't wait until the next practice.

Kazuma clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention and making them all get into a group. "I'm hoping you've all done your stretches and now I want to see your skills. We will start with a simple back flip. Line up behind the mat and go one at a time."

It was safe to say, he was the captain of the team.

[name] got into the line, putting his hand onto his hips as he watched the guys in front of him each do their back flip. Some were better then others, however, everyone successfully landed on their feet.

It was now his turn and he took a deep breath in, getting ready to attempt something he had never done before. He stepped up to the mat and tried to follow what the other guys had done.

But seeing as he had never done a back flip before and hadn't even done his stretches when he attempted the flip, he only got half way around before he was falling to the ground and landing on his back with a thud.

"Oh, shit." He groaned out in pain, his back screaming at him for his foolish actions.

Haruki bolted over to him and kneeled down next to him, putting his hands on either side of his head and looking down at him in concern. "Are you okay? How bad does it hurt? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

"Oh, I'm in an immense amount of pain right now but I don't need the hospital. I can think of something else." Even with the pain he was in, he managed a smirk. "Kiss me better." He puckered his lips.

Haruki's eyes went wide and he moved to the side. He wouldn't mind kissing him but [name] would have to be the one to make the first move and it would have to be when they didn't have an audience. "Why did you join the cheer squad?"

"Isn't it obvious? I joined for you." He flirted, now being able to sit up since the pain was slightly subsiding.

"R - Really." Haruki felt his heart explode.

"Since you can't even do a back flip, I'm sure Haruki wouldn't mind giving you some private lessons." Kazuma teased.

"Kazuma! Would you shut up!" Haruki snipped in embarrassment.

However, [name] perked up at the suggestion. "I'll take that offer. How's tonight sound? I can order some food and we could watch a movie after." He scooted closer to him. "We'll make a date out of it."

Kazuma and some others laughed at the squeak that left Haruki's lips.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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