★ | 071. vacation, celebrity

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 71: Vacation, Celebrity
Word Count: 535

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 71: Vacation, CelebrityWord Count: 535

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Gigi had asked her boyfriend to come on vacation with her. All she wanted was to have some alone time with him but it seems, paparazzi had figured out where they were and hadn't left them alone since. She was beyond annoyed and she could tell [name] was too.

They were at the beach, now having security guarding them so the paps didn't get to close. [name] sighed, sitting up and looking around. The sun felt amazing against his skin but the sounds of clicking cameras was ruining the moment. He looked over at his girlfriend and saw her lips turned down in a frown. He just wanted to give her a great vacation. They were growing apart and he wanted to rekindle the flame they had when they first started dating. "What do you say we forget about the paps and have some fun?"

She turned her head and pulled her sunglasses down, "and how do you suppose we do that?"

He looked around again before turning to the water. "How about we go for a little swim." He stood up, holding his hand out for her to take, which she did with a smile. The two walked down to the water, ignoring the calls of their names. He pulled her closer to him until they were inches apart, "I know about a little secret area we can swim to if you want to get away from them."

"Are you kidding? Why didn't you tell me this earlier!" She exclaimed, splashing water at him playfully. "Lead the way gorgeous."

"Okay but we gotta be quick. Come under the water and just follow me for as long as you can without taking a breath. Don't want them bastards spotting us." He held his breath and dunked under the water, Gigi following suit and the two swam gracefully under the water, getting a little ways away before having to come back up and take a breath.

It only took five minutes to get there and when they did, she gasped in adoration. A small beautiful place just at the edge of the beach that had a few trees littered across, keeping it private. "Why didn't you bring me here first? It's beautiful."

He laughed as they walked out of the water. "I was kind of hoping to use this place as a surprise date but hey, better use it now." He watched as she spun around a tree and smiled. She was so beautiful. How was he lucky enough to be able to date her? He walked over to her and put his hands on her waist. "So, did I do good?"

"You did very good." She replied, tilting her head to smile at him. "It just sucks that we have to go back to the real world when this vacation is over. I'm having the time of my life."

"We can come back whenever you want." He gently put his hand on her cheek. "I love you more than anything in this world. Don't ever forget that, yeah?"

"I won't." She reached up and kissed him softly. "Don't forget I love you too."

★ ★ ★

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