★ | 017. hidden, celebrity

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Book: Multipeople Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 17: Hidden, Celebrity
Word Count: 694

Book: Multipeople Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 17: Hidden, Celebrity Word Count: 694

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He was sitting on the panel in between his two favourite people. His best friend Jimin and his boyfriend Jungkook as he greeted fans and signed his signature. He always loved to do this. He thought it was so fun and loved to make a fans day by simply smiling at them.

He laughed as one of the fans already had tears in her eyes as she reached him and he held her hands as he listened to her talk about how they always made her feel better when she was down. "You and Jimin are my favourite and I think you're so cute together. I ship you so much."

[name] laughed again. Jimin had seemed to heard this and leaned over to wrap his arms around [name]'s shoulders and squeeze their cheeks together. So many fans shipped them and they were more then happy to skin ship for them. There was someone who didn't like this though and that was Jungkook.

Jungkook glared at the affection pair, tongue poking the side of his cheek in jealousy. Even though [name] had told him a numerous amount of times that he had no feelings for Jimin and he was simply his best friend, Jungkook still wasn't okay with it. He wanted to be the one to do skin ship with [name]. It made him even more angry that fans shipped [name] with Jimin more than they did with him.

Even after the fan moved on, Jimin kept an arm around [name]'s shoulders, making the fans even more happy when they reached them. Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked away. This wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that fans wanted [name] and Jimin together and it wasn't fair that Jungkook and [name] weren't allowed to come out because of the expected back lash they would get.

[name] finally broke away from Jimin and saw how Jungkook had reacted. He never wanted to hurt him. Him and Jimin had always been close and were really comfortable with each other. He sighed and put his hand in Jungkook's thigh under the table, getting the other boy's attention. "I'm sorry." He mouthed.

Jungkook frowned and looked away again. He was mad at everything at the moment. He didn't make a move to take [name]'s hand off his thigh because it made him feel slightly better.

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When the day was finished Jungkook and [name] made their way back to the dressing room, alone. The others could see that they needed to talk.

Alone at last, Jungkook went and sat on the couch as [name] shut the door and followed over to him, sitting down next to him and grabbing a hold of his hand. "I'm sorry. I always forget how it makes you feel when me and Jimin act like that."

Jungkook shrugged, putting his head on his boyfriends shoulder, "I'm fine. I just... hate it. I want to be able to act like that with you at panels but because we're actually together we're not aloud but when it comes to Jimin, you can act as coupley as you like." He huffed. "People would ship us to if we didn't have to act like we hardly knew each other."

"I-I don't know if we'll ever be aloud to come out and... that thought breaks my heart but as long as I get to be with you behind doors than I know I'll be okay." [name] tried to smile, as he looked into his boyfriends beautiful eyes. "We can try to talk to management and see if they'll let us act closer to each other in front of the cameras but... we haven't got good chances."

Jungkook nodded, lifting his legs to straddle [name]'s waist before they were in a tight embrace, face buried in his neck. "We'll be okay, right?"

"Of course we will be. We're in this for the long run, remember?" He gently kissed him. "I'll never let anyone break us up."

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Authors Note: See below!

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