★ | 059. famous skater, yuri on ice

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Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom
Chapter 59: Famous Skater, Yuri On Ice
Word Count: 702

Book: Male Reader Imagines, Multifandom Chapter 59: Famous Skater, Yuri On IceWord Count: 702

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'Oh, my god. Who is that?' He thought as he looked at the bath with wide eyes to see a man sitting there, completely naked. The silver haired man was beautiful and [name] didn't know how long he had been standing there staring but he must of looked creepy to anyone else in the room.

"And who might you be?" The man's voice spoke and it seemed to shock him out of his trance. His voice had a thick Russian accent. Now that [name] got a better look at him, he looked awfully familiar but he couldn't tell where he had seen him from.

"O-Oh, sorry. I'm [name]." He blushed brightly as he swung his hand out, grinning brightly to try and distract from the fact that in previous seconds he had been ogling him. "I'm sorry, have we met before? You just look really similar."

"I'm Victor Nikiforov! I'm—"

"You're that world famous ice skater! Holy crap, I've seen you on tv like a hundred times." He quickly put his hands over his mouth and he blushed in embarrassment. Did I really just act like some crazy fan? He probably think I'm a weirdo now. Great first impression. "Sorry."

"I love meeting fans." The man laughed loudly, putting a wet hand on his bare shoulder. "Would you like a hug?" His voice was so enthusiastic and he spread his arms, just waiting for the hug he was sure was coming.

The only problem was he was completely naked and [name] only had a towel around his waist. He couldn't exactly just hug a hot, naked, guy who he had fantasied about before without anything... hard happening. He was sure that really would freak Victor out. "O-Oh, that's okay. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Nonsense." He was suddenly pulled into a hug and he gasped as wet skin meet his dry skin. He was just as tall as Victor so their heads were right next to each other. He could already feel his groin start to rise and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to think of something gross that would make his situation go away but every time he tried to think of something, it was like Victor pulled him closer and the only thing he could think about was the naked ice skater.

"I-I have to go." [name] stuttered, pulling away from him and running away before the other male could see his boner. He ignored the calls for his name and just kept running until he made it out of the room and finally sighed in relief.

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"[name]! There's someone here to see you." He furrowed his eyebrows and walked to the front door, gasping when he saw who it was.

"Victor? What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?" He questioned quickly as his roommate walked away, leaving the two on their own.

"A lot of people know where you live. I asked the first person I saw." Victor replied with a bright smile. "I came because I saw you left this behind when you ran away." He held up a familiar phone.

"Oh! I've been looking for that everywhere!" He gasped out, grabbing the phone out of his hand with a blush. "T-Thank you for bringing me this and I'm sorry for running away from you like that before. I-I just wasn't feeling well."

"Oh, that is alright." Victor waved it off. "You'll just have to make it up to me by coming out on a date with me tonight."

"A date?! What do you mean date? L-Like a friendly date that occurs between friends?"

"Nope. A date that occurs between two people that like each other very much. You're cute." Victor laughed, turning around. "I'll pick you up at eight."

[name] was frozen as he watched the famous ice skater walk away with his mouth slightly gaped, "wait! I didn't say yes!" The only thing he heard was Victor's laugh.

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Authors Note: See below!

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