A new beginning

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Today is one of the greatest day. I finally got accepted in the most prestigious University. I was so overjoyed when i got my acceptance letter. I felt like dancing. I was only fifty percent sure of being accepted. My parents were really proud of me and i felt like was over the moon.

After lots of confusion and doubts i finally chose a career path. I finally decided to become a photographer and chose to major in it .

I was so excited that i forget that i was running late for my full time job in a nearby coffee shop. Mr Smith is definitely going to get angry today.

His anger won't be able to terrify me today and thinking about it , i realised today might be my last day also. I need to get prepare for a new life now.

I immediately put my laptop on and wrote my resignation letter.
Already been 3 years i was working there. I started as part time but ended being a full time employee. I made lots of friend met a lot of wonderful people and bad people as well. Definitely gonna miss that workplace.

More than a workplace it was a healing place for me.

The reason why i couldn't join University right after college was because my family was facing some financial issues and i wanted to help them. So while i was in last year of college i started working at the coffee shop as part time and then joined as full time after graduation.

Today i felt that everything was finally in place. My parents financial issues are gone and i was able to pursue my own dreams.

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