I caught you

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Matt pov

"Pete ..where are you ?are you there?"I shouted .

Some minutes ago pete had sent me a very weird and strange message. The message said :

"Matt..help me..am in trouble...meet me at this place ...please come soon.."

Along with the message he had sent a location . All this sounded really weird. This definitely not sounded like Pete but it was indeed his phone number.

I was baffled and confused. I didn't know what to do. I tried to reach Pete phone many times but his phone was switched off.

" Should i call the police?" i said while heading to that location.

The location stated that it was nearby the University. When i finally reached i saw an apartment. Nothing looked strange .

I looked around and i saw the door was opened . I stared at the door contemplating whether i should enter or not.I checked again if i was at the right place.

I finally decided to enter in. I was almost out of breath and was all in sweat because I've been running around like crazy to find this place.

As i walked in i called for pete but no response. Suddenly i heard a loud sound of something falling on the floor. I shouted again and headed in that direction .

"Pete ...is that you? Stop fooling around..You've got me.."

I reached a small room and got in. It was so dark that i couldn't see anything at all. All of sudden the door behind me was closed. I was taken by this sudden closing of the door.

I couldn't understand what was going on here. It was like am filming a horror movie. But then the darkness was gone. The light was switched on. Now i could see everything clearly. I was in a bedroom. A small bedroom with only a few furniture around.

I turned back as i was looking around and to my surprise there was someone standing behind. This almost gave me a heartattack.

It was non other than Ray. I was even more puzzled now. I came here looking for pete but why Ray was here. He was standing right there giving me a devilish look and he said :
"I've finally caught you."

I sighed and said to myself :

" This is driving me crazy ".

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