Just Forget him

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It took me just about 10 minutes to reach my appartment completely drenched.
I changed myself quickly and jumped into the bed like a lifeless body. I couldn't help thinking about Matt continuously.

I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't realise my phone was ringing. I immediately took a look at my phone and it was Tony.
"Ohhhh shit " i quickly picked it up.

The moment i put my phone near my ear i felt like being attacked by Tony loud voice.

" Ray.. where the heck are you man??"
" weren't we supposed to meet at the library for our project work?"
"Why left me alone here?"

Tony continued with his never-ending questioning . I start feeling guilty.

" Tony...am really sorry..it's all my fault..am actually at my apartment right now..."

"It's ok man..but you should had informed me ..I've already borrowed some books that we need and get ready am coming yo pick you up."

" Pick me up????"

"Yes we are going to my house to work on this project..We don't have enough time as the deadline for submitting our work is near ..and we've a lot of work to do.."

" But Tony......Okay am waiting for you."

"Ok am hanging up now"

Finally I'll be able to distract my mind.

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