Dead Meat

25 0 0

Matt pov

I already knew who it was. I sighed and said.

" No not him for god sake.."

Tony standing right infront of the door fuming with anger.

" You filthy're..."

Before he could complete his sentence i was already out of the bed and ran to him to stop him.

"'ll wake him up..let's go outside "

I succeeded in leading him outside . I gently closed the door without waking Ray and now I'll need to face this crazy man who was boiling with anger.

I've been enduring his anger since the day we met. It was hate at the first sight i guess. He was Pete twin brother. I was glad they were not identical twin ortherwise being friend with pete would have been difficult. I hated that fact that he moved here now and also been admitted at the same Uni.

I've been controlling my anger also otherwise he would have been a dead meat already.

" What happened now ?" I asked

Instead of answering Tony was glaring at me as if I've done something really bad to him.

" Why the fuck were you in that room half naked ?"

I then realised that i didn't have a shirt on.

"Ohh ..where is my shirt?"

Tony now looked more angrier.

" Last night didn't i tell you not to sleep in that room?? "

" I don't remember anything about this "

Now Tony looked more pissed off. He aggressively pushed me against the wall and i immediately felt a slight pain. Enough was enough now. I smirked and asked him.

" Why are behaving like you caught me sleeping with your wife ??? little faggot "

Tony was clenching his fist and i was ready to fight him when suddenly someone shouted.

" What the heck going on here? "

It's Pete . He looked really serious and i know he was the only one who can handle this situation . The moment Tony saw his brother he gave up the fight. He gave me a deadly glared and warned me before he dissapeared.

" Better stay away from me and my people you jerk."

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