Trap- part 1

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Matt pov:

I need to know what was really going on between Ray and Tony. This was really bothering me and i couldn't concentrate on Mr David given task.

I need to talk to Ray but with Tony around it was like throwing stones at bee nest. Then an idea striked in my mind.

I asked one of my junior to go and tell Ray to bring out some props that are really urgent from the storage room. As far i know Ray he won't refuse to help someone and i was right.

My plan succeeded when i finally saw Ray entering the trapped I've set. I immediately excused myself from there and ran towards the storage room.

The next moment i was already in the storage room. Ray didn't even realise that there was someone else in the room as he was busy searching for non existing props. I then closed the door and this was when he noticed my presence.

He turned back. He looked at me but didn't say anything . He didn't even react . So i walked towards him so that i can see him well as the storage room a bit dark.

As i was approaching him he suddenly turned away and continued with his search. He seems like he was not even bothered by my presence. I called him name then.

"Ray "

He didn't reply but i thought maybe he didn't hear. I called him again more louder this time


Still no reply. He was still searching around and i got angry upon seeing this. He was definitely ignoring me. Now i had no choice but to use my own ways to get his attention.

I went close to me and called his name once again. As expected he didn't reply . I almost felt like as if i was a ghost.

I then grabbed his right wrist . He still gave me a blank look but then i pressed his wrist really hard and i finally saw a reaction.
He was in pain .He finally talked.

" It hurts..."

I then realised that i was hurting him so i let his wrist. It was all red and had the mark of my fingers. He glared at me but didn't utter anything. I was about to say something but i saw that he was trying to flee away.

Before he could reach the door i grabbed one of his hand and pushed him against the wall. I immediately blocked him with my hands so there was no way for him to escape.

Now he was trying to pushed me away . He was hitting my chest and trying to push me back but i was strong enough to resist all his attacks . Inorder to stop his both hands hitting me ,i grabbed them and stuck it against the wall . He struggled for some minutes and then finally gave up.

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