It's raining again

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It's already been two weeks since i got into Uni . I've been adapting really well and made some friends also.

The University was already familiar to me even if i hadn't explore it all.

That evening i had to go to the library for some research. It was my first time heading there but i knew where it was.

As i walked through the open hallway that leads to the library, i was looking at the sky. The sky was almost dark
"Looks like it was going to rain..ahh i didn't bring an umbrella "

Everytime it rains i have a sudden mood swing . I become sad and this is when i remember him.

I let a deep breath out and then baaam i collided with someone . My fragile body suddenly felt thrown on the ground.
" ass"

I immediately try to get up and reached my bag which was flown with me. I couldn't feel my ass but it was my fault here , i need to apologize first.

"Am really so..."

The moment i lifted my head to face that person i froze . My eyes were widen and felt like my soul already left my body.  That face , that unforgettable face was just infront of me. "Matt."

This was not a dream , not an illusion. He was right here standing infront of me ." Why?? "
The only word propping in my head.

All of a sudden it started raining. I felt a slight heartache and i looked straight into his eyes.He was standing there like a statute with absolutely no expressions.
"Look like he don't remember me" i thought to myself.

I started to come back to myself, my lips which i thought was sealed with shock finally move.
I was about to say something but then suddenly heard someone calling Matt from a little far away

"Hey Matt ...what are you doing there?? Hurry up we are getting late for the party"

In just a fraction of second Matt dissapeared with his friends.
He didn't say anything instead he left with a cold look.

My eyes were already teary and i blamed the rain for it. Instead going to library i run to my appartment drenching myself in rain not worrying about falling sick.

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