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Light brown straight hair held back with a thick lavender headband and brown eyes with light makeup consisting of a light natural shadow and a spiked mascara effect, the girl had approached her locker quietly. Shyly, she opened her locker door and gazed around at all the other teenagers wandering the halls. Some yelled, some jumped around, some chirped and laughed, but most were quiet or spoke lowly as the bell rang, allowing everyone to leave.

Edith grabbed her small bag, bringing the strap over her shoulder and whipped around, her breast length hair followed and now bounced behind her shoulders as she walked. Leaving the school, she looked for her few friends who she wanted to meet with after school. Edith was popular for middle class and some considered her to be more of a Soc than a Greaser, but she did not care for the groups because she believed everyone was equal, even if most did not think so.

She had lots of friends, lots of Soc friends and a few Greaser friends. Like she did not mind the society, but she did mind certain people. Soc or Grease, she did not like people who were mean, who beat up on others for no reason, who were part of bad gangs, or were just crazy or not her kind of personality. She'd dated before and her last relationship ended because the boy she'd been with for five months became a little too protective and constantly wanted to be by her side. He was a little bossy with the relationship, and was a Soc, so he did not want her near her Greaser friends. She broke it off because it was not healthy and hasn't dated in about eight months, and does not mind being single.

She dated quite a few boys, but she never saw much of a future with them. Or to be more specific, she never saw herself with that person for more than five or six months. She's had relationships that lasted three weeks, some five months, other two months. Edith was not a player, she simply fell in love easily and is very smart. She always knew when her relationships were veering off for the worst. 

Her family wasn't so much conservative as they were orderly. They preferred their daughter did not wear revealing clothes, and so, she did not. She always dressed from head to toe in clothing. Her mother allowed her to wear skirts, dresses, and shorts that went just above the knee, but nothing shorter. She always wore t-shirts, long sleeves, sweaters, or blouses. Nothing revealing the shoulders. She wore open or closed shoes, but she never was allowed to wear crop tops and stuff like that. Some girls did, but she was not allowed to.

Wearing a lavender knee length skirt, a white collared blouse tucked into her skirt, a grey knitted sweater with white socks and a pair of flats, she noticed her friends and headed over to see them. It was early spring of 1967 and the way the society dressed and acted was slowly changing. Girls wore jeans more often than they would normally, some girls wore tight clothes and others were loose clothes.

"Hey," She smiled.

Ponyboy nods, his blond hair with brown roots blowing lightly in the wind. Two-bit stood leaning against his black car, that didn't always work yet he still used, with his hair in a Ducktail style, the sides gelled and combed to the sides, while the top was gelled into a long Mohawk that was pulled to the front of his forehead and a small piece flopped onto the forehead, stiff from the gel. 

"How was English, Edith?" Two asked.

"You'd know if you showed up." She smiled, shoving him aside with her shoulder and he began to laugh. Pony smiled lightly, keeping to himself.

"Eh, I don't like school. Besides, they always fail me."

"Because you never show up."

"Because they've failed me."

She rolled her eyes playfully and the poked the front of Pony's shoulder. "Well, how was your day, Blondie?"

"Aw, stop. I know it's bad, but don't remind me." She laughed at his comment. "An'way, we're learning about Napoleon in History. Why can't we learn about something else?"

"Because it's History Ponyboy, you can't just not learn it."

"And what do you know 'bout it?" He raised a brow, serious.

Edith raised both her brows and let out a puff. "Let's go!" She called and twirled around. Two-bit got in the driver seat, while Pony got in the back and Edith took passenger, setting her bag next to her. She kept the window closed, but Two-bit opened his and caused a slight whistle sound since only one window was open and not two to counter the sound. With quiet tunes playing, they didn't really talk on the way back, unless Edith was commenting about Two-bit's awful car and terrible driving.

At the Curtis house, she took her stuff with her and then pushed the seat forward, allowing Pony to escape the dreadful car that was puffing and puttering as it slowed to a stop in the back lane behind the house. Walking inside, no one else was back yet and Ponyboy went to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink and Two-bit followed, finding something to drink.

Edith was over often and liked being around the boys. They were always so chill and fun to be around, yet they could be serious as well. She liked seeing Darry as her older brother, that she didn't have, and sometimes Steve was a little whiny and could act like her younger sister, that she also did not have.

She is an only child, which gave her the upper hand with wealth. Her father is a soc and her mother a Grease, if she used the terms that those do in Tulsa. They were high school sweethearts. Edith is sixteen and a half and her mother was in her junior year when she fell pregnant with her daughter. Her father being a senior. They were a year apart, being thirty-three and thirty-four years of age. They could still have kids, but they did not like the age gap between their eldest and newest, if they had more children, of course.

Edith always reminded herself that she did not want to be like her parents and that she wouldn't mind falling pregnant at eighteen, after high school finished. However, she would much so prefer to finish college and have a steady job before she got pregnant, and would hopefully be married. Her parents were kind and laid back, they did not mind who their daughter hung around with, so long as they were nice people and not bad influences, or knocked her up, of course.

"Who wants cake?" Two asked as he entered the living room.

"No thanks." Ponyboy spoke.

"I'm good, I need to stay on a diet."


"Because, I don't need to be fat like you." She joked and he laughed, sticking his tongue out at her. She followed Ponyboy and headed upstairs so they could do some homework before heading off to the movies, meeting their friend as well. 

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