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Friday afternoon came quickly. Edith had arrived at the Curtis after school by car as she had driven there and parked at the end of the road in front of the house. She locked the doors and made sure her windows were up. After school, she had changed into something more appropriate for the party. Wearing a black form fitting just above the knee length dress with long sleeves and a v neck, Edith had a light jacket by the door with her purse and heels. She walked around in sneakers as she spoke with the boys, playing cards with them.

Soda was cheating, as per usual, and she knew it because no one looked down at their crotch every time a card was placed. They were playing Bullshit and she knew Sodapop must've been hiding a few cards in order to get rid of the pile he had. Steve and Edith were head to head as they were winning. Dallas and Two-bit were falling behind, but Soda remained in the game without anyone saying a word.

Edith eyed Two-bit as he placed two cards down at a normal pace. "Two sevens."

"Three eights." Dallas threw his cards into the pile face down. 

"One nine." Edith said, setting her card down nicely, eyeing Sodapop. She could see him place something beneath his outer thigh. She waited for him to place his card so Steve could go and she could catch him.

None of the boys exactly knew she was going to a party, especially a Soc party and with Tristan Bridges. They did question her about her attire and how it had changed since school, even her hair and makeup did as well. They never usually saw her wear heels unless it was something special. None of them could really guess what it was because she didn't drink, smoke, or hook up. Naturally, they simply assumed she was going for dinner with her family.

Most of them were protective of her, even if they knew she had protective Soc friends as well. Darry didn't worry as much about her as the rest did. Dallas cared, but he never showed it. Johnny would be terribly upset is anything happened to her. Ponyboy would be lost. Soda and Steve would lose their card buddy, and potentially the only other girl in town who knew a thing or two about cars. Two-bit, well, he would lose someone to boss him around or just hang with. 

"Two tens." Soda spoke, placing his cards. 

Edith brought her hand over, pinching Soda's outer thigh by his knee. Quickly, he lifted that leg and a few cards fell off the wooden chair and whimpered. "Ow!"

Everyone looked at him, even Edith did with a questioning look. Setting her elbow on the table as she looked at him. "What's wrong, Sodapop?" She asked.

He looked up. Dallas laughed. "He's a puss, that's what."

"Two jacks." Steve continued. 

"Three kings." Two-bit stood up, throwing his cards into the middle and wandered off to go find something to eat or drink in the kitchen.

Dallas shrugged. "One queen."

"One ace." Edith spoke. "Come on, Soda, place that two I know ya don't got."

He huffed, he'd been caught cheating because cards were on the floor and she'd been counting a few numbers of the cards, which is also cheating, but they wouldn't know. She'd never been caught before and wasn't planning on it. "Bullshit!" Two yelled from the kitchen. "Pick 'em up and take my cards as well."

"No way." Soda spoke, shaking his head. "I'll keep 'em- who's at the door?"

Darry got up from his seat, going to the door as the others remained in the dinning room. Edith slowly cleaning up her cards to set in Soda's pile as she knew who it was. Darry spoke with the teenager at the door. "Smarty!" Darry hollered, turning into the house as he had slowly shut the door so the boy couldn't hear or see their conversation.

She got up, pushing her chair in and leaving. "Wait, where you headed to now?" Soda asked.

"A party." She answered. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Or Sunday." Steve shrugged, not thinking she'd be around tomorrow, if she were to get hung over, which he doubted.

The boys gathered into the living room with curious looks as they didn't quite know who she was going with. Darry had seen the boy, but didn't recognize him, so he didn't know the kid. 

"A party? Who's having a party and why didn't they invite me?" Two-bit asked, walking in with a bottle of beer, snapping the lid off by using the door frame and left the lid on the ground for someone else to clean up or step on.

Edith spun on her bare feet, grabbing a heel as she looked at them. "You weren't invited because it's a Soc party."

"A Soc party?" Soda spoke, bewildered by what she said. "You can't go, they're crazy and dangerous. Anything can happen."

"To drunk people. I won't get stoned, you all know that. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Or Sunday." Steve said again, smiling this time to see if her reaction would change or not. When it didn't change, she slipped her other heel on and grabbed her coat and purse, opening the door. Tristan had a glimpse inside when he had turned from pacing around. h noticed the people inside and his brows raised, eyes widened. He was slightly afraid because he was out numbered and Dallas smirked at him wickedly.

"Let's go before anything crazy happens." She said, arriving to his black 1966 corvette. 

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