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"Hey, how come you haven't been 'round often?" Ponyboy asked. 

Edith, Johnny, and Ponyboy were headed to the movies together. It'd been three weeks since Edith met Jason Eagerton, Tristan Bridges' step-brother, and two weeks since he'd asked her to join him at a party. The party hadn't happened yet, but she was seeing Jason more and more around town. Whether she was bumping into him when she was with her Soc friends, out shopping, or even at the DX after school.

Jason had figured out she went there almost everyday after school because her friends worked there. He was starting to like her more and more as he got to know her. He didn't mind that she was friends with Greasers and Socs, as long as neither class was going to jump him. When one did, hell would eventually break loose because Jason was like Dally, he'd never miss out on an opportunity to fight.

Edith shrugged, biting her bottom lip. She'd been out a lot in the last few days with Jason. He wasn't so much a bad influence like everyday said he was, but he did have a few awkward moments that made her question him. For example, he wanted to take her out to a bar on Thursday night, but she explained that she didn't do those things. He offered a cancer stick and she shooed it away, not wanting to die in the next ten years.

"I've been hanging around with a guy."

Johnny furrowed his brows, not too sure who the new guy was. "Who is he?"

"Jason Eagerton. He's sixteen and a Junior. He'll be seventeen soon, his birthday falls late." She explained. "He's Tristan Bridges' step-brother." She continued.

Pony stopped. "Wait, you're hanging out with Tristan's step-brother? A guy who completely hates us and would jump us any time he could but can't because you're always with us? You're crazy for hanging around with either of them."

"Relax, Ponyboy. I got this. You know I wouldn't do anything stupid or crazy. Right, Johnny?"

He quietly shrugged, walking still. She rolled her eyes playfully and shoved his shoulder as they walked. Pony followed behind, explaining a few pros and cons about this new formed friendship. He worried for his best friend because she was a middle class girl who hung around with both societies, who happened to be beautiful with many qualities like being smart, caring, and comedic.

Arriving at the movies, Edith walked at the head of the threesome group, finding some seats for them to sit in. There wasn't too many people sitting around and she was happy. Less conversations and people to yell for not being quiet. She found a front row where there was a small yellow post barrier separating the seating area and the parking area. She took her seat and Pony walked in front of her, sitting next to her and Johnny on the other side.

"Surprised there isn't more people." She spoke up, glancing around the deserted seating area. 

"Heh, more peace and quiet for us." Pony answered. Johnny agreeing.

She leaned back in her seat, bringing her right leg over her left and folded her arms across her chest as she grew comfortable on the warmish day. "Is this some romantic movie or a funny one?" She asked.

Pony shrugged. "I didn't look. A movie is a movie, I'll watch it."

"Except with Soda and Steve, they're too jittery for the movies." 

"That's because they can't sit still." Pony laughed and all three of them started laughing together. Edith smiling as she hadn't really been to the movies in a little while with her good friends. She was glad to be back again and just the three of them.

Her wishes slowly vanished when someone approached, slamming their hand onto the edge of Johnny's seat, who jumped with wide eyes and fell into Edith's side, who stumbled over to Pony. He furrowed his brows in curiosity and Edith sat with a baffled look, having no idea why her friend was there.

"How dare you?" He told her. 

She stood up and Johnny shuffled behind her, taking her seat and watched nervously. His big brown eyes filled with fear. He'd been better since the Soc encounter that led to many horrible things and he had gained some confidence, but not much and it was easily lost as well during situations like this. He didn't like when anyone sneaked up behind him, Soc or Grease.

"Tristan," She breathed. "What're you doing here?" She questioned him and his appearance at the movies. He never came to the seating area because he had a car and more of a reputation to uphold.

"You know exactly why I'm here."

"I-I don't."

"Look, Pal, we don't want to cause any trouble. Movie's gon' start, so why don't you finish this later." Ponyboy butted in, appearing next to Edith so he could speak with Tristan.

"Don't 'look, pal' me, Grease." He raised his voice. "Come on, Edith, you know what you're doing is wrong. Admit it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She shook her head, looking back to Pony and Johnny, where Johnny didn't move a muscle or blink and Pony stood by her side, a few inches taller than she was and he was younger by a year and a half. 

"Bullshit. You've been hanging around with Jason and I know it. How could you do this? I'm the guy you want, not him. He's a jerk." Tristan's tone was clear and raised, his point being made.

She took a step forward. "Tristan, I told you already. I'm not going out with you and don't think Jason is any luckier. We are friends."

"No!" He yelled at her.

"Hey, Man." Ponyboy intervened. He was cut off just as fast as he spoke up.

"Get away from us." He pushed Ponyboy back. He fell onto the ground and Johnny's eyes sauntered back and forth between his best friend's and the new guy he did not like. His hand was already on his back pocket, but no a person noticed him.

"Tristan!" Edith shouted and turned, lowering by Pony's side as he lied on the ground with his elbows perching him up. She looked up to Tristan and shook her head. "Get out of here. Go." She shooed him away. She looked back to Ponyboy. "Come on, Pone, forget the movie." She told him. She brought her hands to his left arm and helped pull him off the ground.

Getting back up, Ponyboy, Johnny and Edith walked by. As much as Pony wanted to do something, he did not because he was the bigger man and knew it would only make things worst if he pushed Tristan back. 

Tristan was jealous that his step-brother, who he hated, was taking away the one girl he truly liked. Now, Jason was starting to like Edith the same way Tristan was. Yet, Edith did not like either of them the way they liked her. She noticed the way Jason rubbed off on Tristan and it wasn't the best behavior.

"I'm fine." Pony spoke as Edith was brushing the dirt off his shoulders and back. He pulled the front of his shirt once and let it go, getting whatever dirt off that he could. The three headed back to the Curtis house together. "You shouldn't be hanging around either of them. Look what's it causing and you're not doing anything wrong." He explained.

"They're jealous of each other. Tristan's had this long time crush for me and I said 'no'. Now, I'm hanging his step-brother and he's mad about that because I'm hanging around Jason more than him."

"Smarty, I just think it'd be best if you call all of it off. Hang with other Socs maybe." He shrugged.

"It'd be rude to just not be friends with them for no reason."

"It'd be rude to watch them cause fights with us for no reason." He told her and sighed. He wasn't one to usually get mad or defensive, but being shoved around and told what to do, he didn't like. Darry did that too often and Edith could see how things were. She knew he was right and that she should stop hanging around with Jason. 

She feared deep down that possibly Jason would do the same thing that Tristan did. He'd go looking for her and start up an argument and possibly end it in a fight. She was afraid of that part if she broke things off. They weren't even dating, they were good friends already and Jason did wish for more in the future, but he respected Edith's wishes.

"I need to cool off and think." She told the boys.

"All right, we'll be at my place." Pony replied.

Edith went to go find her other friend instead of going home or someplace quiet to think.

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