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Staring around her room with groggy eyes, Edith yawned and got up. Gazing at her clock, it was around ten thirty at night and she debated on staying the night or heading to the Curtis place. She was told by her parents to obey Darrel's rules and that she was to stay at the Curtis house unless she was at school or out during the day. 

Grabbing a bag, she searched through her dressers and closet, grabbing a bunch of different things. She threw them inside the back and then grabbed her brush, toothbrush and makeup bag. She figured the boys would have toothpaste, so why bring her own. They drank out of each other's cups and soda bottles before, she didn't see a difference. 

After packing her bag and changing her attire, Edith pulled a pair of shoes on. Swiping the book off the bed, she shoved it inside her bag as well and then left her room. Downstairs, she grabbed her keys and left, locking the door after locking the windows and shutting all lights off. On her lonesome, Edith walked by herself. She hummed a tune or two and gazed around the dark streets, noticing there weren't many other people around and she kinda expected that because most wouldn't be out a night, possibly some daring teenagers looking for trouble.

From the distance, she could see a car and they stopped at the sign. They were two streets ahead of her, going to turn, but then decided to go straight upon seeing someone walking on their own. She wasn't going to be too happy by the time she went to bed. She gazed down at her attire, but nothing wrong about the sweats and hoodie she wore, with a hood over her head since she'd gotten cold.

The people in the car grew excited, hitting the leather seats and each others' shoulders as they grew deeply happy about seeing what they believed was a helpless Greaser. The car slowed and when Edith looked up, there were two people getting out. The car continued to stroll down the street and the people decided to play it cool.

Going at her own pace, Edith didn't realize they were Socs out to get revenge and find Dallas for slashing yet another set of tires from a fancy car. "Get 'im!" They hollered, knowing it definitely wasn't Dallas, but any Greaser would satisfy the drunkards. 

Edith's eyes widened and she quickly threw her bag onto her shoulders, carrying the duffel bag like it was a backpack and she ran as fast as she could. The lightly dim streets gave her enough light to get around and see where she was going. The expensive car sped up, motioning to the ground walking Socs to cut down a street and the car would take the other street.

Edith huffed and puffed, tired already since she wasn't a runner or any sort of athlete. She preferred sitting on her butt and doing nothing. Turning sharply around a corner, she held on to the light pole to aid her around. She ran and ran, looking back every so often to see the Socs had disappeared, but the car lights were still visible.

Cutting into an alley, she headed straight for the Curtis house and the time was escalating. Her window was closing to get to the boys and the house. She couldn't believe someone was ready to jump her. She was a girl, but she was wearing clothes that belonged to a boy, more specifically, Ponyboy. The hood had fallen and the clothes she wore were baggy and holding her back from excelling in speed and endurance. 

She knew she couldn't run anymore and the bag on her back did not help either. She looked back, seeing the car and two Socs behinds. Sighing, she pushed herself, being a block and a half from the house she needed to get to. One of the Socs gained some speed when they noticed Edith was slowing, her feet sore from the terrible shoes she wore and her calves just as sore.

The Soc came up and tackled Edith, both of them tumbling to the cement sidewalk roughly and Edith let out a cry. Scared to death, she didn't know what to do and brought her hands over her face, half crying and shaking. "I got him!" The Soc yelled, standing on his two feet. He brought a hand out, grasping the front of Edith's hoodie. He found the body surprisingly easy to lift when he pulled Edith off the sidewalk and shoved her into the wooden light pole. Her head smacking the back, sh winced and bit her lip.

"Darry!" She hollered as loud as her voice could and as long as her lungs could give her the air. The Soc immediately understood then that this Greaser belonged to a certain gang and he felt even more encouraged to jump and beat the shit outta this Greaser because of the gang he belonged in. "Dar-!" She called, but was cut off when a punch had been thrown to her face.

Her body stood no chance and she was on the ground within seconds. Immediately, her nose started bleeding crazily from the hit to the nose between her eyes. She felt her brain crush between the skull walls and her eyes blur for a few moments. The car skirted to a stop onto the sidewalk and two more Socs jumped out, slamming their car doors shut.

Breathing heavily, Edith was pulled off the sidewalk again and thrown into someone's arms, who threw another punch without hesitation to her stomach. She coughed and cried, unable to stand anymore from the two blows she took.

At the Curtis house, Darry had ran out the door and sprinted, hearing the voice calling his name. He couldn't see where anyone was, so he ran down the street a few blocks, then turned and ran up the street a few blocks. Sodapop and Ponyboy ran out the door next, Darry telling them to run down the street and he was going to check the back alley. 

The boys had split off and Edith received another hit, this time they kicked her side and laughed. One Soc holding a canteen full of vodka and their reeked of alcohol. She could smell it off their clothes and she was waiting for someone to save her. Her bag lied twenty feet away from her from where she had taken the first blow and now she was near their car on the sidewalk. Her mouth and nose bleeding, her ribs began to bruise and swell, along with her split lip.

"Hey!" Darry yelled, running faster. he came up behind and shoved two Socs into one another, they fell into their car. One hitting their face off the mirror and the second got back up. Darry went after the third, and kicked him away. Edith remained on the sidewalk, gasping for air as she lied in a ball on the sidewalk, holding her side with a hand and the other cupped the blood seeping from her nose and split lip.

When Darry had finished taking out the Socs, he turned quickly and jogged over to the young girl. He got on one knee, bringing his hands to her underarms, helping her off the sidewalk. She lightly held his muscular arms and shook badly in his grasp. He looked her up and down. Tears ran down her cheeks, her body shook, blood came pouring out from her nose and lip. He couldn't believe someone had the guts to beat up a girl. He would have mistaken her for a boy as well, especially at this time of night.

"Smarty." He breathed, looking at her. She eyed him, barely conscious and able to process what was going on. "Hey, Smarty, come on, stay with me." He tapped her cheek lightly. He brought a hand to her knees and one to her back, lifting her up bridle style as she brought to hands to her nose, trying to keep the blood from soaking her clothes and Darryl. "Soda!" Darry hollered. "Hang in there, Ede."

Closing her eyes, it wasn't long before she passed out, but she had felt movement when she had been placed in Soda's arms instead. Darry fetching the first aid kit and Ponyboy grabbing a warm wet rag with some new clothes for Edith to wear after.

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