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Back at the Curtis house, Edith sat on Pony and Soda's shared bed while Ponyboy sat at the desk, doing his homework like Darry advised him to do before he did anything else. Edith was wondering why Soda's sudden change of mood had appeared. She didn't care if he or the boys winked or looked at girls, but when she looked and someone winked, it did not make him happy. That was something different, Sodapop Curtis always accepted guys winking or going out with Edith George. He never minded, but now, he did and she wanted to know why. 

The one person who could help her was Ponyboy because he and Soda talked all the time. That night, she was going to be bunking in Mr and Mrs Curtis' room. As much as she wanted the couch, Darry insisted she have an actual room for the weekend rather than their hard couch. Her few things were already in that room for her and the bed was freshly made for her. She needed to go over later to get a few more clothing pieces.

Ponyboy found it awfully hard to get any work done if he was going to go the movies later alone or with Johnny. She kept talking and ranting, he didn't mind it, but it was distracting because he too wanted to talk and share his opinion. The door was shut and the boys were loud downstairs, throwing pillows at each other because Dallas had sat on one and didn't like it, throwing it at Two-bit, who ducked and it hit Steve.

"Anyway, I should probably start reading. I'll be back. I'm going to my place. See you guys later." She spoke.

Ponyboy nods and mumbled an "Okay."

She left and he wasn't really paying attention to her, too busy doing his homework. Darry was on his ass about it since he'd gotten home from school. Edith left the house, walking right by the boys without a single word to say. They never asked her once where she would be or where she was going, not really thinking it mattered. Most of them had forgotten she was staying over that night.

Edith really didn't want to walk home, but she didn't have a car since she left it at her own place. It was Thursday afternoon and she was planning on staying at her place until about ten and drive back, but if she wasn't lazy, she was gonna walk. It didn't take long before she arrived back at her house. She entered and locked the door, heading to her room. She threw her bag onto her bed she had and grabbed her book.

"I don't wanna read." She sighed.

Throwing herself onto her bed, she opened her book and started to read.

Back at the Curtis house, it neared five thirty and Darry had dinner ready. Ponyboy had finished his work and was now reading a book for fun in is room. He was gonna go to the movies right after dinner. The boys had went home and it was the Curtis boys only now. Darry gazed up, wondering where Edith was or had went. 

"Ponyboy!" He called. Soda walked into the kitchen quietly, looking around at the nice things on the table. He took his seat. "Mind getting Edith?"

"She's upstairs with Ponyboy, if she came back."

"Came back?" Darry questioned, raising a brow. He was responsible for this girl and he thought she would be the easiest person to be responsible for because she listened and didn't usually disobey orders. "What do you mean come back? You realize if something happens to her, my ass is dead?"

Soda half nods. "Well, yeah, but she'll be fine."

"What're we eatin'?" Pony asked excitedly.

"Nothin', where's Edith?" He asked.

He shrugged. "I don't know." He looked around. "Why, did she leave?"

"Yep." Sodapop nodded, digging in.

Darry looked over at him, not impressed with his younger brother and Ponyboy took his seat at the table with Sodapop. "Call her place and check if she's there." Pony suggested.

Darry sighed, walking to the kitchen quickly that was only a few feet away. He grabbed the phone off the wall and began to rotate the dial as he called one of the only other numbers he knew by heart. Leaning against the wall, he waited as his brothers waited as well instead of digging in. 

The phone continued to ring and as it continued, Edith did not hear it. She had fallen asleep with the book on her stomach and head fallen to the side. She managed to get through a few more chapters, but from staring at her book for so long, her eyes began to burn and tear. She'd fallen asleep without even knowing.

"Why isn't she picking up?" Darry asked.

"Maybe she ain't even home." Ponyboy suggested.

"Maybe she's doing homework or somethin'? Said her teacher wasn't happy 'bout her bein' behind and all. Said he didn't want her to be like Pone." Sodapop thought, leaning forward and put some salad onto his plate.

"All right, she ain't there." He sighed, setting the phone back down and walked back to the table, pulling his chair out. He wondered where she was and why neither of his brothers knew where she went. He saw her with Pony, why didn't he know? Soda was in living room when she left, why didn't he ask where she was going? "If she ain't back by midnight, we're goin' out to find her." He eyed his brothers.

"All right, I should be done the movies by then. Maybe she'll show?" Pony said, shrugging.

Darry could not believe he had lost Edith George, her parents counted on him to assure them that she was safe in his hands. Now, he didn't even know where she was and couldn't get a hold of her.

Meanwhile, Edith didn't have a clue about anything going on since she was fast asleep.

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