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Later that day, Edith found herself roaming around town for a little while since she didn't find anything better to do. It was sort of a life, but she was trying to let her mind set about Jason and Tristan being half related and step-brothers. She found it brave how one brother stood up for a girl, which both boys knew, yet it didn't completely turn into a fight. She assumes that was the reason Jason had her run out of the house the night before so drunk Tristan wouldn't start anything. He was claiming that she was his girlfriend and she wasn't, but everyone else believed it because Tristan said it.

Hitting the blocks closer to the Curtis place, she fixed her hair and brought it behind her shoulders as the wind blew right at her. She liked the coolness and she didn't smell like alcohol anymore, even if she didn't get drunk, because she'd showered and changed. She had Jason's clothes washing so she could give them to him shortly.

She was really starting to like Jason and he was mysterious, but now she knew almost everything she needed to know about him. Edith only knew Jason for twenty-four hours, but that was enough time to talk and know someone. She was starting to like him because he seemed so different and kind. He didn't hit on her and he was kind, but then Tristan went around saying he wasn't who she thought he was. It told her that there was more to him than just the Jason she saw at the party and spoke with at the doughnut shop.

Nearing closer to the Curtis house, she approached quietly and walked up the steps. She noticed Dallas standing outside smoking a cigarette as he leaned against one of the support beams wearing his brown leather jacket and his old boots, hit blond hair blowing in the wind. She liked his crazy blond hair, it was definitely different.

"Hey, Kid. Where ya been all mornin'?" He asked, bringing the smoke away from his lips and exhaled.

"Thinking." She nodded, sure of herself with her answer. "Do you know Jason Bridges?"

Dallas thought for a moment and then stood up straight, throwing his cigarette onto the deck and stepped on it, stopping the power source of the cigarette from doing any more harm than it did. "You mean Jason Eagerton? That wealthier middle class kid. Like yay' high. Acts all tuff around his dork brother. Possibly, if we're talkin' 'bout the same kid." He nods.

"Related to Tristan Bridges?" She questioned.

"Yeah, I know 'im. Why?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I met him."

"Wow. Surprised he even spoke to you. He ain't into girls like you."

"What do you mean?"

"He's into girls who will do anything to sleep with him. He hasn't had a steady relationship in a long time. He ain't even been to the station, but likes to cause fights with his brother and other Socs. He's known for it. See 'im all the time with bruised knuckles." He chuckled.

"Oh." She nodded. "Thanks."

"Stay away from him, Smarty. Or I'll make sure he does." Dallas warned, patting her shoulder roughly and she walked inside the house, kicking her shoes off by the door.

The boys were lying around the living room and she was surprised to see how quiet it was. Pony and Johnny were out at the movies, waiting for their first movie of the evening to start. Soda, Steve and Two-bit lied around watching TV. Darry was working, like he normally did, and Dallas just wandered off to go who knows where.

"And I'm impressed." Steve sat up, looking at the girl he didn't think would show until tomorrow morning because of her drunk state.

"Because I proved you wrong?" She asked and smiled, walking to the kitchen. "Want anything?" She asked them.

"Another beer." Two called.

 "Sure, a Coke, please." Soda nods,

"Cake." Steve said.

She popped the lids off the three bottles and held them by their necks and grabbed the plate of cake in her other hand. Walking into the living room, she placed the cake on Steve's knees and then Two-bit reached up and grabbed the bottom of the beer bottle. She passed Soda his bottle and then plopped down on the couch across from him, setting her feet on the coffee table. Steve had dug in and Two took a long sip of his beer.

"So, how was the party?" Soda asked.

"Interesting. I definitely met someone new." She answered, sitting back comfortably.

"Who? A guy?" Steve piped up. "What's his name?"

"Is he a Soc?" Two-bit asked. "I'd been dying to show off my new blade." He smirked, flipping it out from his pocket. She nods, liking it, but not really caring.

"Come on, Smarty, tell us more."

"You wouldn't like him anyway. He's like any other guy I've dated or had a crush on. Never gonna happen or it'll end by me dumping them." She told them, knowing they would not like him whether he was a Grease or Soc.

"You're taste is pathetic then." Two laughed. Soda smiled at his friend's comment, looking at Edith to see what she had to say. 

"Guess I haven't found any boys as kind, adorable, funny and-"

"Awesome?" Steve asked.

"No," She shook her head. "Lazy like you guys."

"We're not lazy." Soda spoke up. "We're just used to being told what to do by you or Darry."

She nods. "Wow. How thoughtful, Sodapop." She smiled a fake grin, looking at the TV screen briefly. "Anyway, I met him last night and thought he was hot and cool, but now I'm not too sure. He's surprisingly related to Tristan, the guy who picked me up last night."

"Wait, you went to a party with some Soc and you met his brother? And like him?" Two questioned, wondering if he understood correctly, but then again he hasn't passed school in a few years, so...

"Thought I did."

"Are we talkin' about Jason Eagerton? That guy's not good to be around, Edith."

"I know, I've been told. But his looks are irresistible. We went for coffee last night. I slept at his place-"

"You slept at his place?" Soda spoke up, flabbergasted by what she said and sat up, shaking his head. "Lucky if you don't have some disease."

"Soda!" She called. "It wasn't like that." She said, a little annoyed and angered by him and the two boys. She crossed her arms. "He was very nice. He stood up for me when a guy was being rude to me. He gave a room for the night. Nothing happened. Point over." She stood up. "Why do I even bother with you guys. It's not like you know anything about girls."

"Do too." Two-bit said. "I've been dating Kathy for a year."

"Yeah, and I've dated." Soda added.

"I'm still with Evie...somehow." Steve cocked a brow, trying to figure out how he was still with her.

"All right, but Soda's doesn't count. Sandy was using you and we all know it. We know what she is and I won't say it because Soda gets defensive of his ex." She shook her head. "Anyway, I have homework to do. Have a good day. Tell Pony I'll be by tomorrow."

"Why Pony?" Steve laughed. "He's a wimp."

Soda hit his best friend. Edith whipped around, taking her drink with her and walked out the door, not turning back.

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