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The next morning, Darrel was up a little later than normal as he was up early every other morning for work. Tucking his black shirt into his jeans, he walked down the stairs with his hair slightly gelled and combed back as he headed for the kitchen. Coffee. Something he wanted and he could read the paper or watch TV in peace. As he got halfway down the stairs and was tucking his shirt into the back of his jeans, his face because confused as his brows arched and he was taken back.

He didn't recall anyone in the house last night, so who was there now? On the bottom floor, he stopped and looked around. Looking into the kitchen and dinning room that was just off of that and then turned, glancing to the living room. Someone lied on the couch under the blankets and he heard the voices again. 

Quietly, he entered the living room casually and made no noise. He stepped over to the TV, turning the dial to turn the TV off that was making noise and then turned, approaching the couch. He didn't need to look and see who it was by the hint of a small jacket and a pair of heels lying on the floor. From the hint, it was none other than Smarty. 

"Ah, Smarty," He shook his head playfully, smiling to himself after he pulled the blanket up over her shoulder. He returned to the kitchen. Filling the kettle, the floorboards creaked upstairs and he glanced up for a moment, then went back to finding his mug and washing the used cup by the sink.

Whistling, Sodapop came jogging down the stairs as he pulled his shirt on over his shoulders. His hair still a mess since he hadn't done anything to improve the way he looked. He was planning on having a shower anyway, but didn't really want to because he had to shower the next morning for work either way. 

"Hey, stop whistling, will ya?" Darry spoke from the kitchen.

Soda jumped off the second last step and hit the floor, walking into the kitchen. "Why?" He asked, making noise as he started opening the cupboards to grab a cup, a bowl and then the drawers to grab utensils. He then maneuvered to the fridge and grabbed the milk, kicking it shut with his foot and then found the cereal in the pantry. 

"For god's sake, Soda, stop makin' noise."

"Why? Where's the baby?" He asked, looking around the house and trying to be a little funny. Darry shook his head and hit Sodapop upside the head. Soda only laughed and rubbed his head with one hand as he carried the cereal box between his arm and side, the milk with his free hand.

"In the living room sleeping. Ya didn't see her?"

Soda shook his head. "No. Is it Angela or Ede?"

"Smarty." Darry answered, bringing his cup to the edge of the stove where he pulled an oven mitt over his rough hand, pouring the hot water into his cup and then grabbed the coffee beans he had grounded the day before and kept in a plastic container. He mixed it together and drank it black, the natural way. "I don't know what she got in at, but she fell asleep watchin' TV."

Soda was busy shoveling overflowing spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth. Darry took his seat at the table and watched his brow, one brow raised as he wondered how Soda was even related to him. Soda sped, he didn't. Soda ate like a pig, he didn't. Soda was reckless, he wasn't. Soda dropped out of school, he didn't. Soda was Soda and Darry couldn't do a thing about it. 

"How are you my brother?" He asked, shaking his head with a chuckle and left. He took his seat on his recliner and reached over to grab the paper from the table after setting the mug down. Soda finished his bowl quickly and set it in the sink, not wanting to do dishes.

Soon, Ponyboy woke up and came walking down the stairs. He was dressed and ready for the day like Darry. Had done his hair, brushed his teeth, put deodorant on and got dressed. He was not like Sodapop in the mornings and was prepared for the day. "You guys eat yet?" He called as he went to the kitchen, Soda already shoveling food into his mouth for his gullet.

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