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At the Soc party, Edith was a little shy being around everyone because a few had questioned seeing her with some Greasers a few days beforehand. Tristan hadn't told anyone because he didn't need anyone knowing that he was on the Greaser side of town and didn't jump anyone, which he didn't typically do. He liked causing arguments instead or poking at them. 

Edith remained by Tristan's side as they both held red cups in their hands, music played lightly as a background noise. Teens hung around outside and played outdoor games or sat around the pool, not many were actually in the pool. Others played cards at a table, some played alcohol games, some chatted and others were upstairs making out. 

Within the gang of Socs standing around the kitchen leaning against the counter and island, Cherry stood next to Bob, who kept pestering her into leaving the kitchen to do something better. Cherry and Bob weren't exactly dating, ever since the stunt, Cherry couldn't bring herself to get back into a serious relationship with Bob. In a way, she believed that Bob deserved what he had gotten because he shouldn't have been messing with other kids because they were talking to his girlfriend. Bob still had feeling and tried his best to get her back and he never spoke to other girls in flirtatious ways, he always stayed true to her. 

Marcia and Randy stood one in front of the other, joining the conversation Tristan had starting about other Soc's parties and which one was the best one he'd been to so far. Across the kitchen and inside the living, a seventeen year old wealthier middle class boy sat on his own, eyes glued into a book and he didn't say a word to anyone. Edith melted inside, she hadn't seen anyone like him since she met Ponyboy Curtis. She thought there was no one else like him, but surely, there was someone else. He was seated across the room from her.

"Ede, what're you staring at?" Tristan asked, taking her wrist and tugging her away from the kitchen as they were all headed for the dinning room to go play some alcohol games.

"Oh, um, nothing." She shook her head, following him. As he yanked her arm and she followed aimlessly, she returned her glance to the unknown boy and smiled to herself. She wanted to go say something because he seemed quite lonely.

"All right! Let's go! Edith and I against Marcia and you." Tristan told Randy. "We're ready."

Marcia could see the way Edith looked at the boy across the room. She could tell Edith saw something in that boy, but Marcia didn't think he was the best influence. He often got into fights and as innocent as he looked, he wasn't always that sweet looking.

Tristan nudged Edith's side and she brought a hand up, holding her side from where he'd hurt her. He nodded for her to go and she did, playing the game as well.

Two hours later, Edith was sitting on one of the lawn chairs in the backyard, enjoying the fresh air as she felt that it was getting too hot inside. Especially since she'd been drinking Coke and someone had spiked her drink, more than once, without her noticing. Having more Coke than alcohol, Edith didn't know she was on her way to getting drunk. She was chugging down Coke left and right from how hot she'd been.

Someone had taken their seat next to her, having enough room for the both of them. Being a little high and not herself, Edith naturally assumed it was one of her crushes. Her eyes fluttered open, her head falling to the side and she looked at the person with groggy eyes. Edith was not drunk and she wouldn't be drunk until she had about five more drinks and she had stopped twenty minutes ago when she came outside.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey," He replied, setting a hand on hers. "Wanna go some place else?"

"Home?" She asked. "Sure." She nodded.

Tristan stood up, drunk, and stumbled slightly, but because he held her hand, she stabilized him from falling onto his butt. She got pulled to her sore feet, carrying her heels in her other hand and she looked around, wondering where they were going. Tristan led her inside and towards the stairs, she furrowed her brows.

"Tristan, no." She shook her head. "Car's outside."

"We're not going to the car, Babe. We're crashing here. Come on," He tugged her arm roughly and she winced in pain, shoving him the wall because he'd hurt her wrist. 

"Ow." She held her wrist, rubbing the soreness away. "No, let's go or I'm going alone."

"Come on, Baby, let's go. Bed's waiting for us." He slurred.

When she didn't listen, he came down the few steps and she took a step back, everyone else continued doing their own thing. Half the people in the house were drunk as it was. He grew angry and pushed her shoulders into the wall, a picture falling off the wall, hitting her arm and fell onto the ground. Her breath quickened and she didn't know what to do or say. She looked him the eye, almost afraid of the boy who'd been nice to her at the beginning of the party and promised no hook up.

"Tristan." She whispered, tears threatening to spill.

"No. I said no. Get up there." He shoved her along.

"Hey." Someone spoke up. Edith looked over after she had slid to her knees, leaning against the wall quietly as she wiped a tear from her cheer. The boy she'd been staring at before was there. 

"Get away from us, Jase!" Tristan spat, shoving him. "Come on, Edith!" He lowered, reaching to grab her hand. 

"Hey, Bud, why don't you go by yourself."

"She's my girlfriend. So leave us the hell alone."

"Your girlfriend?" He questioned, looking back at Edith, who trembled lightly. The boys always had her back so she was in a new situation and didn't exactly know what to do. All of them always protected her and when a  fight would arise, someone always advised her to run as far as she could or to one of their places until they came and found her. Here, she was all alone and relied on Tristan, or so she did before his drunk state turned everything around. "Well, it looks like she doesn't want to be with you right now. Now, leave her alone before I make you."

Tristan threw a punch, but the boy had stepped aside and brought a hand to Tristan's back, pushing him forward. Tristan had fallen into a crowd of people with a groan and the new boy had lowered his hand, telling Edith to take his. "Come on." He nods.

She slowly took his hand and quickly he pulled her up. He kept her close to his side as she whipped her head around, walking quickly out of the house. He led her away from the house and down the street to his car. Opening the door for her, she got in and locked the door quickly, waiting for the boy to get in. She was afraid to be with this new boy and even if she wasn't dating Tristan, she felt the need to be with him because in a way she still trusted him more than a stranger, even if he was drunk and pushy.

"You all right?" He asked her, putting the key in the ignition and starting up the car, opening the window slightly. She pressed her eyes shut and lied back in the seat after pulling her dress over her knees.

She nods. "Y-yeah."

He pulled away from the curb. "Not to be judgmental or anything, but why are you with him?"

She opened her eyes and looked over at him. It was dark out and it was dark inside the car as well, she found it hard to see him. "I'm not. We're friends, supposedly....Who are you?"

"Sorry," he smiled to himself and laughed, bringing a hand away from the wheel for her to shake. "The name's Jason."

"Jason?" She continued.

"I don't like my last name. I'd prefer to keep that to myself."

"Oh," She nods.She turned her head and stared out the window.

"Where to?"

She shrugged, unsure of where she wanted to go. She told her parents she'd most likely sleep over at one of her girl friend's places, but how the night turned out, she didn't quite think that was happening. She did not want to go home, her mother would smell the alcohol from her breathe from four blocks away. The Curtis boys would tell her that they were right about it all and she didn't want that tonight. 

"I don't know."

"The doughnut shop eight blocks from here is open. We can drop by there if you want."

She chuckled lightly and nervously. "I barely know you."

"We can get to know each other at the doughnut shop. It's on me."

"Fine, but no funny business."

"Promise." He swore, crossing his fingers over his heart and nodded, pulling the car to a stop at the sign.

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