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Running down the stairs, one behind the other, Edith and Pony ran down in a race to beat the other to the front door. Edith's skirt prevented her from performing to her best. She sadly lost when one's foot had been extended forward and she fell into the side of the couch, hitting the floor and Ponyboy won, smiling proudly by the door. 

Blowing her hair out of her face, she met the eyes of the boy who had accidentally tripped her, laughing almost at her and her eyes widened. 

"Are you... laughing?" She narrowed her eyes, staring them down in shock.

Slowly, they nod. "I'm sorry, Smarty, it's hard not to." Sodapop chuckled, leaning forward from sitting on the couch and passed his hand to her. he remained seated as she grasped his wrist and he pulled her forward. One her feet, she steadied herself and dusted her skirt off, flattening and pulling it down.

Steve laughed hysterically, being flicked on the side of the head by her as she childishly crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm surprised you still have a girlfriend." She spoke to Steve, who shrugged and wondered the same thing. Soda, Darry, Ponyboy, Dallas, and Johnny did not have girlfriends and Edith did not have a boyfriend.

"And what's your point for not having a boyfriend?"

"Boys are boring around here, besides, I've only been dating since the age of thirteen, and have had like five boyfriends." She huffed. "Anyways, we're heading to the movies, see you tomorrow."

She whipped around, joining Ponyboy by the door, who waited for her after pulling his light sweater on. She grabbed one of the boy's jackets that lied on the couch, using it for herself. It happened to be Dally's brown leather jacket, one Pony had used before. 

Dallas didn't like when she used his jackets for her own comfort and warmth, but because they always came back clean and smelling fresh from the wash, he didn't complain. He found it rather funny at the same time because she looked like a young girl wearing her father's jacket because it was too big from his broad shoulders. Not many of the boys had broadness to them, Dallas, Two-bit and Darry had broadness to them. However, Steve had muscular arms and legs, not so much shoulders and chest like the other three. Whereas Pony and Soda had slightly toned bodies, but nothing like the other boys. And Johnny, he was a smaller framed boy who was lost in the big world.

Johnny and Edith got along well because Johnny saw her as a sister. They were the same height about, she was slightly taller, and even taller than he was if she wore heals that certain day. She never mentioned his parents to him, she always saw the good in things and he liked that. She also didn't like when people pushed him, or both of them, around. She stood up for him because he was a person like she was. 

"Ponyboy, did you finish your homework?" Darry asked, gazing up from his newspaper.

He nods, secretly rolling his eyes and Edith caught it. She didn't say a word because she did not need to see another argument break out between the two. Edith remained next to Pony, their shoulders almost touching as she watched the exchange, as did the others.

"Yes." He huffed. "We're going."

"Be back by curfew. Edith, make sure he's back." 

She looked at Pony quietly, then looked to Darry and nodded. Together, they walked out of the house together, going to meet their friend down the street and then head to the movies. On their way to the movies, Ponyboy sighed. He disliked when Darry pushed him around or told him what to do and when. He was fourteen and could handle himself, but sometimes not everyone believed that.

"I don't get it. Why does he always have you make sure I get home by ten? I'm fourteen years old, damn it." She brought her lips a thin line, unsure of what to say. He continued. "When will he understand that he's not my father, but my brother?" 

She shrugged. "I don't know, Pone," She set a hand on his shoulder lightly for a moment. "But don't worry about it."

Her hand fell when he dramatically threw his hands into the air. "So?!"

"So...?" She trailed, unsure where he was going with that. 

"So, he shouldn't have to rely on you."

"Just don't worry about it...Hey, Johnny." She smiled, walking over to meet him and he smiled kindly, but it faded after the few seconds it took to appear. He walked the the group of two and they became a group of three. 

The three often liked going to the movies. Sometimes Edith fell asleep or she would go get drinks or popcorn, but wouldn't return for a half hour because she's talking to her other friends that happen to be there. One time, not purposefully, she had accidentally ditched the gang and went and sat with a few of her Soc friends in their car to watch the movie. She didn't even realize she had ditched them until they came looking for her.

"What were you's talking 'bout?" Johnny asked quietly, his voice quiet, broken and fragile.

Pony shrugged, staring at his feet as the road moved beneath him. "He's upset because Darry doesn't trust him to be back by his curfew." Edith explained.

"Oh." He nods. "So, what movie?"

"Don't know, some beach one again."

"Probably." Pony nods, agreeing, his hands shoved into his front pockets as they walked. Along the way, a Soc car passed by, slowing down. The boys grew extremely quiet, Johnny's form tightening as he stood behind Ponyboy, not hiding by watching. Edith grinned and skipped over to the car. She set her elbows down, leaning forward. Pony looked away so he wasn't staring at her butt. As fond as he was of her looks and personality, he did not see her as anything more than his best friend.

"What're you doing with those Bums?" One of the boys asked, he was sitting passenger, sipping on a beer.

She rolled her eyes at his comment. "Come on, Jack, they're cool."

"Cool enough to steal our girls." Leonard retorted, his buddies laughing.

"That's enough. We're all cool around here." She told them, smiling and glanced to her two friends, then looked back when she felt someone's hand set on hers. She gazed down. "What do you want, Tristan?"

He winked, only she saw. "Nice jacket. Bet you mine will fit better." He flirted.

"I bet that's in your dreams, isn't it. And she looked at her jacket, nodding. "It is nice, isn't it? I've acquired it from a friend."

"Smells like a Winston."

"Wow, and smell like an alcoholic." She shot back playfully, laughing with a few of the boys in the car.

He licked his bottom dry lip and gazed her, admiring her looks. He always did have a liking for Edith George, and she knew it, but she never really had the guts to try dating someone like him. He was like Bob and Randy, a Soc everyone wanted to date and she didn't exactly fall for it. Sure, she had a few boys she thought were nice and good looking, but she laid low about it. He was also seventeen and liked getting in bed with certain girls he believed he would have a relationship with.

"Join us. It'll be fun. We're headed to Bob's party."

"I'm good, besides, I don't think Bob wants me there since I hang with Greasers, especially two who stabbed him. three and a half months ago."

He shrugged. "Maybe next time then?" 

She nods. "Sure."

"All right, see you Saturday night. I'll pick you up at eight and we're going to Marcia's this time. Lots of people will be there. Dress nice."

"I always do." She smiled. "See you then." She stepped away from the edge of the car and headed to the edge of the road. She got back with Pony and Johnny, they didn't bother to say anything because whenever they did, she always explained that she could hang around with who she wanted to and when she wanted. Sometimes the boys always thought that they were her only friends, hence the reason they always asked or wondered where'd she be if she wasn't with one of them.

"What'd he want?" Pony asked, looking back to see the car continuing down the street behind him.

"Called you 'Bums' again, but I settled it." She assured them. "Now, let's go." 

Edith George- An Outsiders FanficWhere stories live. Discover now