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As Monday afternoon came along, Edith was with Two-bit in his car as he was driving over to the DX to get some gas and then beat the boys back from their work. She found he drove rather good compared to some of the boys. Dallas was awful and Soda sometimes sped, which she didn't like from either of them. Dally tended to be quick and reckless, driving his way and not the way of the law. Meanwhile, Soda's foot took control of the car instead of his mind. She liked Darry and Steve's driving, it wasn't bad and hers was all right as well, but she'd seen perfect before.

Stepping out of the car, Two-bit tossing his keys across the hood of the car in the air, Edith catching them. Wearing light blue jeans with the bottoms rolled slightly with a long sleeved tucked in and a jacket over top, Edith walked with Two-bit to the DX front where the boys were. Steve and Soda stood around, Dallas kicking the dirt and creating a dust pile. 

"Hey Smarty, you over Saturday's conversation?" Steve asked her.

"I was always over it. Besides, you don't really ask a girl that, we're always right."

Dallas laughed and she brought her hand over, pinching his side. Because she did not fight or know how, she often pinched the boys when ever they were being mean or she didn't like something they said or did. She often pinched Soda and he often came back pinching her as well and she'd run off to find Darry because he'd save her ass.

Edith held Two-bit's keys, fiddling with them as her fingers were bored and she didn't know what to do. She listened to the boys talk, Soda busy pumping gas for an elderly man as he went to go pay inside and Soda watched the pump and the numbers flip.

She stood by Two-bit and lifted her head to look at Dallas, her eyes narrowed and wincing from the sun hitting her face directly. "Ya know, we got this Rumble coming up. Apparently Tim got himself into a little trouble with some Socs."

"When?" Edith asked. 

"Don't matter, Smarty, you ain't goin'."

She shrugged. "Doesn't mean I can't watch."

"Edith, it ain't somethin' to watch. You get hurt just by watching. Who knows what Soc could take you or throw a punch to you." Steve added.

"So, I'm strong enough to defend myself."

"Pinching someone or spraying them with perfume does not count." Dallas chuckled, shaking his head in laughter as he looked at her. "Huh, you're adorable." He laughed. 

From a short distance, Jason parked his car at one of the further pumps. Soda happened to serve him and noticed Jason. He saw him looking over at his group of friends, probably spotting their female friend, who was definitely off limits from him. "Thirty, please." Jason spoke, walking off and gave a tip of ten cents, tossing it in the air for Soda to catch as he bumped his shoulder, walking by him to leave.

Jason paid inside and then exited and approached the group of teenagers that stood together by the pumps. Dallas pushed himself off the pump and put on his tuff face, holding a cigarette between his fingers as he pushed by Steve, remaining at the front of the group and Edith looked over innocently.  "What do ya want, Eagerton?"

"I'd like to talk to Edith, if that's all right with her."

She walked over to Dallas, elbowing his side gently and he turned to meet her eyes. She nods. "He's fine." She told him. "Stay here." She told all of them. Soda watched, not liking what he saw.

She walked away with Jason, who kicked some pebbles around and she joined him by the door of the shop. "I'd like to apologize for the way Tristan and I argued. I'm sure you were afraid standing between the two of us."

"No, I wasn't. I hang with Greasers much tuffer than you both. I can handle myself."

He laughed. "Yeah, they're not as tuff. Anyway, to make it up, I was wondering if you'd like to go to a party with me."

She pondered. "I don't know."

"It'll be fun. You and I. We can go for a while and ditch or stay the night. I want to make it up since Tristan and I ruined Friday's party for ya."

"As nice as that sounds, I think I'm okay."

"Your lost." He nods. "I'll see you around, then?"

She nods. "There's reason why I can't hang around with you. I'm sorry."

He licked his bottom lip and then bit his cheek, nodding. "It's because of what Tristan said, right? I promise I wouldn't hurt you. I never did, have I?"

"No, but I-"

"So, why can't we hang? So what if we aren't two Socs or Greasers. So what if we have friends who don't like what we do. But it's what you want and what I want. I think you're pretty cool and just know I would not hurt you. I saved you at Marcia's party from my brother and I will save you again if I have to...Now think about it, if you don't want to hang around me, why are you hanging around someone worst than I am?"

He turned away. "Jason, wait," She jogged over to him. "I'll go, but on one condition."

"Which is?"

"That rumble coming up, you do not show up."

He chuckled. "I can't do that. The Socs need me."

"Guess partying is out of the question. Too bad you're giving up that chance."

As much as he wanted to rumble, a girl like Edith could slip away at any moment, especially with the boys protecting her. He nodded. "All right, party it is."

He headed off to his car Soda had already finished putting gas into and she walked over to her friends. Holding Two-bit's keys still, she didn't look back to Jason as he pulled out of the lot by the group of Greasers and one middle class. 

She was iffy about going to some party with Jason, after everything she had heard from people around her, she thought maybe they were right. He was tuff and tough looking and seeming, he wasn't afraid to speak the truth. Edith pleaded he did not go to the Rumble because that would give her Greasy friends another reason to beat him even more and the Socs another reason to attack back worst than before.

"What'd he want?" Dally asked.

"Nothing." She answered. 

"It was sure something. A guy like him don't just show to not say anything." Steve backed up Dallas, wondering the same thing he thought and what the other boys thought as well.

She sighed. "It doesn't matter what I do. It's my business."

"Smarty, don't go out with him just 'cause. He ain't nothin' but trouble." 

"He hasn't done anything wrong yet, why can't I give him the chance I gave you guys. Especially you, Dallas." She eyed him. "You are like him, what is the difference."

"He ain't our friend. I don't take advantage of ya like he will." Dallas defended. "If he so as much lays a finger on you, I'm gonna kick his ass and make sure I beat the living hell outta him. He'll be sure not to come back."

"Me too." Steve nods. 

"Guess I should say 'me too' as well." Two-bit spoke up, placing his hand out and Edith placed the keys in his palm. 

She wondered why Soda didn't have anything to say. Sodapop didn't have much to say because she was right, it was her life and friends. She could do as she pleased and he couldn't stop her. If he said something, she would contradict him like she was with the boys now. He simply listened to the conversation and unlike Steve, he was running around doing his job. They had ten minutes left and Soda thought that he might as well get in what he can within those ticking minutes.

"Anyway, I should be heading back now. My parents are expecting me for dinner at La Costa at five. So, I gotta go wash up...See you guys tomorrow." She smiled and waved, turning and heading towards the edge of the road so she could cross and start her path to her own house.

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