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Knocking on her friend's front door, she waited outside on the small porch. A car drove by at a decent speed and headed down the street. The front door of the house opened and she was glad to see her friend there. They gave her a kind smile and stepped outside the house, wrapping their arms around her and she returned the gesture.

"Hey, Edith, how is everything?" She asked.

She shrugged. "Well, that's the thing. I need to talk to you."

"All right. Come in. Lucky, my parents are out for the weekend. But, I need to get ready at four. Steve's picking me up at six."

Edith nodded, entering Evie's house. It was small, but only three people lived in the house. It was nicely furnished with different things, Every room seem to have a different wallpaper of either flowers, stripes or different patterns of bright colours.

The two girls were good friends and had known each other before Evie and Steve got together. Steve had met Evie through Edith, it only took a few days for them to start realizing they liked each other more than they thought, but they were a match made in heaven the first day they met. Edith and Evie were good friends and usually went to each other if they needed advice, help, or simply someone to talk to.

Walking into the kitchen, Edith seated herself at the bar counter, sitting on the stool as Evie cracked the lids off two glass bottles. She was drinking Rootbeer and Edith was drinking Pepsi. She would prefer Pepsi over Coke, but either or worked.

"So," Evie started in a good mood. "What's going on?"

"I have a problem. This guy likes me, but I don't like him. He's a soc. This other guy is like me, a wealthier middle class, and we're becoming good friends. However, the Soc guy doesn't like us hanging around. Because of this, the gang is defensive of me about them and it's causing more problems. Ponyboy got shoved to the ground like a half hour ago. I don't know what to do. Do I keep hanging around this new boy or stop so everything is settled?"

Evie pondered about it. At first she was lost about the entire situation, but then she remembers Steve telling her something about Edith hanging around with Tristan and now his step-brother and it's causing problems. She was understanding now and her opinion didn't really decided, but it was helpful for the young sixteen year old. She was sixteen as well and they were in the same grade.

"Well," Evie started. "What do you want?"

Edith looked at Evie dumbfound. "You're supposed to tell me that." She answered.

Evie chuckled lightly and brought the glass bottle to her lips. "No, Ede, you're supposed to tell me that. Come on, what do you want? Do you want to continue something with Jason? Or do you want the gang?"

"Wait, she shook her head "How do you know who I'm talking about?" She questioned. She never mentioned any names, but the gang, and Evie knew who she was talking about.

"Steve." She answered. "Now, which one?"

"Both." She answered. "I have to admit it to someone. I think I'm falling for Jason."

Evie shrieked and jumped into the air, having a little party dance on her own. "It's so cute!" She cheered. "Wait," She paused. "Are you sure Jason Eagerton is the right guy? I mean, he's not completely sane and I don't know if he even likes you."

"He's got. We're always running into each other and he asked me to go to a party with him a little while back." Edith answered. She twirled on her seat and stood up, grabbing the lid for her drink and twisted it back on as she stood in the middle of the kitchen with Evie now. "If he doesn't like me, then maybe it works in the end."

"Works?" Evie questioned. "How?"

"If it doesn't work, then he and Tristan are out of the picture. I'm okay. The gang is okay."

Evie nods, understanding now. "I get it...You know his number?"


"You're going out tonight. It's Saturday. You have time to get ready if he says yes, which he probably will. If not, I'll grab a purse and find him."

The girls laughed together, rushing up the stairs like a bunch of five years old at a play date. The girls ran up together giggling and shoving the other as they ran into each other from trying to beat the other up the steps. Running into Evie's room, they threw themselves on the middle of the bed, the pillows bouncing off the edge of the bed and onto the floor, the bed creaked for a second before settling.

Evie reached over and grasped the phone, bringing it off the night table and onto the bed. Half nervous and excited, Edith brought her finger to the rotating dial and dialed the number. Evie handed her the phone and they waited impatiently, Evie biting her lip to prevent herself from shrieking and cheering and jumping around.

"Hello?" They answered. 

Evie started getting super excited and tapping Edith's shoulder, who tried to speak, but it was hard with Evie hitting her. "Um, hi, Jason."

From the other line, Jason smirked to himself. He wondered why she was calling him and he was thankful that Tristan hadn't answered, or his mother. He hated his step-dad. "Edith?" He questioned, wondering if it was really her calling.

"Hey, um, I was wondering if you were busy tonight?" She asked.

He looked around his empty room. "No, what do you have in mind?"

"I don't know, but we can hang out."

"All right, well, I was going to go to a party."


"Great, where do I pick you up?" He asked, getting up and walked over to his dresser, pulling a drawer open to find a shirt since he wasn't wearing one.

Edith looked over to Evie. Evie grasped the phone, taking it from her and brought it in front of her. "You're going to 1234 56 ST. Grey house on the corner with pink flowers." 

"See you then, Edith."

"Bye." Edith leaned over, speaking into the phone.

Evie hung the phone up and put it back on her night table. She sat up and smirked, Edith wondering what crazy idea Evie was thinking. "Let's get dressed."

"I'm good like this."

Evie cocked a brow in a disgusted manner. "You're wearing pants with sneakers and a tank top."

"I'm comfortable."

"You're under dressed." Evie sighed and flipped through the clothes in her closet. "Come on, get up. I'll find something for you and you find something for me."

"But you'll wear anything I pick out."

"So? You will too." Evie smiled and nudged her good friend with her hip. Edith stumbled to the left a few steps, but laughed as well and brought her hair behind her ears and looked for something for Evie to wear.

Edith George- An Outsiders FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang