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Sunday night most of the gangs were getting ready for the big Rumble that was starting soon. The Socs were also getting ready and pumped, some were already drinking, and it didn't matter, because the Socs always did and thee Greasers always liked a victory worth celebrating. Edith's gang was ecstatic about the Rumble because it gave most of them good reasons to fight, unlike Dallas who got into fights whenever he felt like it. 

Edith wasn't too into the idea of any of them going and she had explained winning the Rumble wouldn't mean anything. The only thing that it would mean is that the Greasers were better fighters than the Socs. She didn't want to go and thought about things sh could instead. She knew she would have to stick around the Curtis place because she always helped the boys with their wounds and stuff. Besides, they always liked ranting about their victory, especially Steve and Two-bit.

"So, you don't wanna come tonight?" Ponyboy asked. She was sitting at the desk chair in his and Soda's shared room, where he was switching his shirts out and the others were downstairs.

Shaking her head, she held a finger between the pages of the book she'd been reading for school. "No thanks. I had enough of the Socs for a while."

"All right."

"And Pony?"

"Yeah?" He asked, grabbing a sweater to pull over his shirt until the Rumble starts. 

"Don't get too much action, I need a walking buddy for school still."

He laughed at her remark. "No worries, Smarty. I'd never let ya walk alone."

She nods, getting up and patting his shoulder. She trailed down the stairs and he followed behind her slowly. She had been doing better since her jumping a few days back. She wasn't sore at her ribs or side anymore, but her face didn't look much better. The swelling had gone down and her parents return tomorrow evening, which isn't too well for Darry or Edith. 

Arriving downstairs, the boys noticed the two had returned downstairs, but continued talking anyhow. Sodapop and Steve were wrestling around on the floor as Two finished his beer, Darry was rolling down the tight sleeves of his tee-shirt, and Dallas was sitting on the couch quietly.  

"So, Smarty, since you're staying here. I don't want to come back and find out you've gone off someplace, got it?" Darry spoke sternly to Edith, wanting to make sure she understood the rules he was giving her.

She nodded, looking him in the eye. "Hell, she hasn't left in a few days." Steve laughed, then grunted, shoving Soda over as they tried pinning each other down, but it found hard with their strengths being about the same in comparison.

"Shut up, Steve." Darry pushed him, Soda winning and getting on top of the pile. Edith looked away from the two for a brief moment, watching them because it was interesting to see Steve always win and now Sodapop was somehow. "Am I clear, Edith?"

"Course." She nods. "I don't got no where to go. Tomorrow I can go grab my school shoes." She said, glancing down at her indoor shoes that she used to do what ever in. They were an older pair of shoes that she preferred not to wear at school or shopping.

"Bring Pony or someone with ya then."

"I can go." Ponyboy nodded, chugging down a glass of water before they headed off together.

Sodapop was back on the bottom of the pile, groaning as he tried to get back on top, but Steve pinned his arms down and lied on top of him. He was being smart and using his weight to keep Soda down. Unlike Soda who used two hands to pin Steve down and lose.

"All right," Dallas started and stood up, stretching, walking over to Edith. He brought an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her tightly against his side. "Let's go. We'll do it for Edith!" He cheered.

"For Edith!" The rest cheered.

Edith shook her head and watched them leave with a small smile. Once they left, she seated herself on the couch after turning the knob on the TV to change the channel to something she wanted to watch. 

It was going to be a quiet hour and a half or so by herself. She would have fought, but being the way she was, she decided it was best not to. She and Sodapop's conversation the other night had blown over. They hadn't had a conversation since then, but they've spoken and smiled to one another since then. Soda believes she's mad and hiding it, and vice versa.

Ponyboy understood the way Edith felt because getting jumped isn't fun or right. They could relate to one another about their jumpings.

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