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The streets were dark and there were only a few people roaming around the clear streets. Lights were off in most of the houses and cars were parked in driveways. It was getting colder and Edith's feet were hurting as she shivered from the weather. She wished she hadn't of thrown Jason's jacket on the ground. She wished she would have kept the jacket for her warmth and then threw it away once she got to warmth.

As sore as her feet were, she kept her heels on, which were Evie's, and the outfit was as well. She was happy that it was like the movies she'd seen and it wasn't raining. She was having a good time at the party and smiling, but then the truth was set and now she wasn't in a pleasant mood. 

Jason drove around the town looking for her and he did not want her to find out about him like the way she did. He never meant anything by what he said. Of course he wanted to further a relationship with her. At first he thought of her like any other girl, but once he got to know her, he started falling in love with her flaws and qualities. 

He knew how different it would be if they did start a relationship. Tristan would be on his ass and he'd be out to get him. He would also tease and taunt Edith for going out with Jason rather than him. The gang would persist about her relationship and bug her about it. Her parents would not mind, as long as she was happy and knew what was right and wrong. Edith knew she'd be kicked out of the house if she got pregnant before nineteen. Evie would be in awe with the relationship, as much as she was not a fan of Jason Eagerton, she would support her best friend because Edith would do the same.

Jason needed to find her before someone else did. He had no idea if she drank and if she did, how much? He wasn't sober, but he wasn't drunk either. He was stuck in the middle; he was high. He was sober enough to think and see straight. He couldn't remember everything he said and he came off more angered than what he wanted. The windows were rolled down so he could see better and he had an arm set on the top of the door, he searched and drove up and down the streets of the Soc area. He didn't know where she was headed or if he knew of a place she'd be at.

With make up running down her cheeks, Edith couldn't believe what she had heard. A stranger who knew Jason had said that he was a player. She mumbled to herself constantly that Jason was like Dallas Winston. It hurt her just as much as any other relationship she had and it was odd because she wasn't even dating Jason. The nice things he'd done for her made her feel special and like she could trust him. They had a nice conversation at the doughnut shop, he's always smiled to her whenever they ran into each other. He never laid a hand on her. He never yelled at her, unless he was searching for her within a large space.

"How could he." She mumbled, shaking her head as she rubbed her hands on her upper arms. The few street lights made it visible for her to see. She pondered on going to Buck's, since it was closer and Dallas would be there, or her place, since it was also close by.

Bringing her hand up, she smudged everything on her face from the tears and wiped it on her light jacket she had brought, but it wasn't meant to keep warm. It was meant to be fashionable. Her bare legs were freezing and her hair blew lightly behind her shoulders. Her eyes burned from the tears and wind.

Coming near the halfway mark of the Soc and Middle class side of town, a car slowed to a stop at the sign and she continued walking anyhow. She didn't think anything of it and wandered around on the sidewalk, walking in a straight line. The person inside the car noticed it was a teenage girl, but when he took a double take, he knew who it was. Bringing the car close to the curb, he leaned over with a hand on the wheel and the other her rolled the window down. 

"Hey, Edith," He started.

She stopped and turned. "Oh, hey, Tristan."

"What're you doing out here this late at night? Are you crying?" He asked.

"No." She sniffled, wiping her face. "The wind's making me tear up." She chuckled. "What're you doing out here?"

"Coming back from my buddy's place. And you?"

"Walking home from a party I ditched."

He nods, curious why she was at a party by herself. He knew there was more to it because she never went to parties on her own. It took him a while to convince her to even go with him. "With who?"

She bit her lip. "You know exactly who."

"My asshole of a step-brother?" He questioned. "He ditched you for some girl or something?"

"No, I ditched him. Some guy told me that he likes screwing girls at party. Well, I was with Jason, I'm a girl, and we were at a party."

He opened the door for her and nodded for her to step inside. She thought about his gesture and didn't want a ride. Too much would happen if someone found out she was with both brothers. Most knew the step-brothers had their own things and their own friends. However, Edith was friends with both. 

"Tell me more about it on the way." He spoke.

"I'm good, Tristan. Thanks for the offer though." She smiled, thanking him. 

"Come on, you're never gonna get home by foot."

"I'm not going home."

"Where to?"

"My friend's place."

"I'll take you."

Without a hesitation, she stepped in and shut the door. As he drove, she leaned forward in the seat and had put the visor down, looking at the very small mirror. She tried fixing her makeup, but without water or a towel to wipe it off or clean it, she was kinda stuck with the half girl half clown look. Tristan did not say a word and the only friend he knew of was the Greasers he disliked. She was wanting to go to Evie's, but he didn't know that or where she lived.

Shortly after, they arrived to the Curtis house. The lights were off and Edith glanced outside. She furrowed her brows upon seeing where she was as Tristan parked the car at the edge of the road. He waited for her to thank him and then leave. His hand on the steering wheel and the other on his lap.

"Um, thanks." She nods and pushed the door open, grabbing her purse and leaving. She shut the door and thanked him once more, saying she'd see him around or at school on Monday. 

Walking up the steps of the Curtis house, it was quiet and Edith grasped the door knob, then turned. Lucky her, it was unlocked and she slipped inside the dark house. No one was around and everything was off and somewhat clean. Edith took her jacket and heels off, setting them on the floor beside the couch instead of by the door neatly. 

Entering the kitchen, she grabbed a cup from the overhead cabinet and turned the tap on, running the cold water. After drinking the entire glass of water, she set the cup by the sink and then headed back to the living room. She grabbed the blanket off the top of Darry's recliner, then turned the TV on and turned the volume down and walked to the couch. Lying down, she faced the television and got comfortable.

After ten minutes of watching the news, she had fallen asleep on the Curtis couch.

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