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Sitting at a booth at the doughnut shop, Edith sat on one bench with Jason in front of her. For a kid like him, she wondered why she had never seen him before. She thought it was weird, but at the same time if she didn't know someone, she wouldn't really care who walked the halls. Edith was appreciative for the way he stood up for her, especially against a very drunk Tristan who surprisingly failed miserably at a fight. 

Tristan was bound to come after Jason soon and beef between the two was not perfect, it'd been messy for a few years. Tristan and Jason knew each other and not to the best, but they knew each other. Jason didn't know as many people as Tristan did because most feared Jason, seeing as he was like Dallas Winston in a way. He did not steal, but he liked causing fights and winning them. He smoked and drank, but he could be kind if he wanted to, but it was rare. 

Munching on a doughnut, the shop was quiet with only the two of the inside the store. A woman cleaned the tables and a man cleaned the kitchen, but made sure to keep a few things out in case Edith or Jason ordered something else. 

Edith pulled her cup towards her, holding it with two hands to warm them up and brought it to her lips. Jason watched her, tired of looking around the vacated place. "So, how do you know Tristan?" He asked her.

"Oh, we're friends. He's got this crush on me, but I don't like him like that. He's to be honest, not the most romantic guy, you know?"

He nods. "Yeah, he's an ass."

She laughed at his words and he bit his lip, sitting back against the booth and brought a hand to the top of the bench rest. "You know him? It took guts to stand up to him. And thank you...for helping me out back there."

"No problem. I saw you around the house earlier this evening. He seemed fine with you, but ugh, guess his too many drinks say otherwise."

"At least he didn't bother any Greasers, that's what matters."


She nods. "Yeah, have you heard of them?" He nods. "I have some friends who are Greasers. Tristan hates them. He hates all Greasers and I don't really mind. We're all the same at the end of the day. Hey, why don't you talk about yourself?I feel like I talk too much because you're not saying anything."

"Girls talk." He shrugged. "Besides, you're kinda cute."

She blushed, looking away. Out of all the crushes she had, he seemed to really see her, but he wasn't even a crush. He was more like a guy she knew she'd never have, or possibly see again. Edith never really knew he existed until she noticed him out of the blue at Marcia's part, where most Socs were skeptical about Jason Eagerton.

"Come on, tell me something about you." She insisted.

He remained seated where he was, his hands on top of the booth seat like he was before. He gave her a look before glancing somewhere else in the room. It was nearing one in the morning and she didn't even realize it was that time, but Jason knew what time it was. As much as he wasn't the best influence, he wasn't going to pull any tricks on her because he'd seen the type of girl she was. If Tristan couldn't even get to her, why or how could he?

As much as Jason was a reckless bad boy kid, like Dallas Winston, who made his own rules, Edith didn't suspect a thing about it. She believed he was a nice middle class boy with more wealth like her who was kind and a gentlemen. He stood up for her, which meant he had to be nice, but she didn't know a thing about him and she wanted to.

"How about another coffee?" He said, turning in his seat and brought an arm to the air, snapping his fingers and the woman behind the counter cleaning nodded as she noticed. 

"Oh no, it's all right." She looked at him. She stood up slightly. "Miss, it's all-"

"No, it's fine. I got it." He told her, nodding for the woman to pour some more coffee into their cups.

She sat back quietly in her seat. "Um, I should be going."

"Let me drive you home. It's dangerous around here to be walking around on your own. Besides, it doesn't seem like Tristan will be driving you home...Not ever." He mumbled the last part, which she did not hear as she was getting up and pulling her jacket on.

"Hey, Jason, you go to school, right?"

He nods. "Yeah. Junior year." He replied. "But I have so many family things going on that I don't usually show up."

She walked with him out of the place after he insisted that he pay for their drinks and pastries. Walking by his side, he had his hands shoved into the pockets of his black bomber jacket, the collar folded over nicely and he wore a nice white and red striped shirt with beige khakis, the bottoms cuffed and rolled as they were slightly too big with a new pair of sneakers. He had no piercings what so ever, he looked normal and clean, from what Edith could see.

"I've got these friends, they're brothers, and they had family issues as well. I don't exactly know how you feel and I never ditch school, so I can't really say." She said, grasping the door handle to the car he had. He had an older Mustang, it was black. It seemed to be a few years old, but she didn't care what car one had, if they had a car, it was good for her.

He got into his car and started it, waiting for her to get in as well. "Where to?"

"Oh, um, just drop me off at a motel or something?"

"A motel?" He asked her. "What? You going for some cheap date or something?" He chuckled, pulling away from the curb.

She shook her head, laughing. "No, I ugh can't go home because I told my parents I'd be at a friend's place and I smell like an alcoholic."

"It'd be rude of me to leave a stranger like you at a dumpy motel. I've got a guest room at my place, you can stay there for the night. Borrow some of my sister's PJs or something." He shrugged, turning down a completely different street to head to his place.

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