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Edith was seated on the couch at the Curtis place, reading a book that had been assigned to everyone in the class. She was reading Lord of the Flies and wasn't feeling the book too much, but once she got past Piggy and his whines in the first chapter, she was starting to like the book a little more. She didn't quite understand the title, but she knew she had to finish the book in order to ponder about the title a lot more.

The boys were sprawled across the living room as well, or most of them were. Darry was doing his own thing out back, probably fixing something that's broken. Dallas was out causing trouble as usual. Johnny and Ponyboy were out wandering the town and probably talking since none of the other boys were really sympathetic or serious conversation talkers. 

Steve and Soda were arm wrestling and Two-bit was sitting in front of the TV, turning the dial as he switched the channels. Deep down, Edith knew Steve was going to win and not because she'd seen it before, but because his arms were built up. Soda's were too, but not as noticeable and pumped as Steve's were. Two-bit also had a good build, but he rarely used that to his advantage, unless a rumble called for it, but he usually stuck to beer, cake, and the gang.

Steve's arm was leaning to the left, taking Soda's arm down as his hand was inching closer to the edge of the table. Their elbows sore and as hard as Sodapop fought back, Steve had his tongue sticking out as he eyed their arms, focusing on the battle. Edith stretched and brought her knees up, setting her book on her knees and flipped the page. She found it a little hard to focus on reading when the boys were making noise around the house.

She could not blame them, she had decided to go to the Curtis house. "Hey, Edith, look, it's that movie." Two pointed at the screen.

She glanced up from her book. "Oh, yeah, the one you cried watching."

Two turned and looked at her with a smug look. "No." He whined. "Something was stuck in my eye."

"In one eye? What about the other one? And you cried for like fifteen minutes, shaking the person in front of you because they weren't crying." She explained.

Soda snorted a laugh and lost within seconds of losing focus. His smile turned to a frown. His laughed turned to a whine. Steve stood up and cheered, hitting Edith's knee and she lost the page she was at in her book. "I won!" He shouts, happy about another victory.

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in." Soda shook his head. "What movie was this?"

"The one you fell asleep at." Two-bit spoke with sass. "Remember, Smarty went to wake you and she instead pushed you off the chair? You split your elbow open on the dirt?" He began laughing.

"What a wimp, Soda. No wonder why you're single." Steve laughed along and Edith couldn't help but laugh as well, covering her mouth so Soda couldn't see her.

Soda pursed his lips, thinking and looking around. "That ain't my fault. Besides, why get a girl when I got y'all."

"I'm your best friend. I'm way better than any girl." 

"Me too." Two-bit nodded.

Edith heard the pumping up Soda's self esteem and she figured she might as well help. She got up, closing her book and stood next to Steve, looking him in the eye. "Yeah, I'm also better than any girl." She nods. 

"Y'all are so kind." He said sarcastically.

"Get 'em!" Steve called and pulled an arm around Soda's neck, bringing him into a choke hold and Soda brought his arms up, grasping Steve's arm to try and get him to get off him so he could breathe. Edith stood aside and giggled, Two-bit joining in as well. While she watched, they managed to get onto the floor and the three were crawling around, grunting and trying to pin the other down. 

Wanting to see if Darry needed help, she stepped over the pile of boys, but Soda reached up and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her down into the pile. Her eyes had went wider than ever, wider than when she saw the sale sign at a mall window. She fell into the pile with a pitched scream and lost her book. "No, come on." She whined, squirming around to free herself.

Two-bit stood on his knees and shoved a pillow into Steve's face, who brought his arm out and hit Two in the side. He fell onto Edith and Soda shoved Steve over, who was shoving Two-bit, who was hitting the others to free himself. Edith was caught in the middle and couldn't do anything to get out of the middle.

Darry stopped at the entrance to the living room, he noticed four bodies on the ground and one was rather small for a boy. He wondered if it was Johnny or Ponyboy, but the pitches gave it away because that was not Two-bit on the ground. He shrugged and turned, wiping his oily hands on a rag and returned back outside once he knew everything was going all right inside the house.

Huffing with hair in her face, Edith did her best and got an arm out, moving the hair from her face. She knew she couldn't get out of the mess she was in, so she resulted in doing what she could. Two-bit being the closest to her, she leaned forward and licked his shoulder. That was enough to get him out of the pile. 

"Ew!" He yelled. "Tell me that isn't what I think it is?" He shot up, looking at his arm to see nothing. "Who licked me?"

Soda cocked a brow. Licked. He knew who it was. The only other one who couldn't fight, besides, he'd heard of it before and seen Edith do that before. He smiled and continued shoving Steve. Steve's shoulders were pinned onto the ground and feet were hitting Edith's side. She didn't know what else to do. Being small enough, she brought her hands to her side and slipped back, leaning against the couch. She pulled herself up and instead of letting the boys down, she got onto Soda's back and tried holding him down. 

It was no use. 

Her hair became a mess as she engaged into the fight and Steve had gotten free, shoving her off Soda. Both of them falling and he fell onto her side. Steve pinned Soda down, who pinned Edith down and she was losing breath. She felt like her lungs and rib cage were tightening from the pressure of Soda's weight and Steve's muscles pushing him down.

"Oh come on, guys. She'll be dead in three minutes." Two-bit said, kicking Steve over. He pushed Soda over as he sat up with his own hip. Soda fell into the side of the couch and Edith lightly chuckled, breathing heavily and he pulled her up.

"I'm not doing that again." 

Edith George- An Outsiders FanficWhere stories live. Discover now