Chapter 6

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And then, there was me; I showed up in their life, and somehow I became their best friend. When I got to know Emily, it was a year after the events, but she was still trying to move on. She was still trying to forget him. As for him, he was being Ethan. Whenever they met, he never stopped being sarcastic. At first, it was hard for her to handle that. But later, she got used to it, her self-confidence grew a little bigger and so did her security. All he was trying to do, is to make her hate him. Because hating him was the easiest way to get over him. I don't know if it worked, because even with that, she wasn't able to let go. But, it did surely help her build a strong personality, and learn to only lean on herself. We became good friends, and we had a lot to share. She felt good talking to me, and knowing that meant a lot to me. She was the example of girls who suffered from love, without even tasting the joy it could bring. Eventually, she found a way to get along with it. Later, she figured out a key to happiness. She succeeded in her studies. And as she was incredibly talented, she polished her skills and became one of the best designers in her school. She did compete in different Fashion shows around the world. It first started with Greece, then Italy, England, and France. But this latter wasn't only a destination for work. There, she could find everything she was looking for. She found love, real mutual love. He was French. He was a journalist. She met him during one of her Fashion shows in Paris. She could feel that there was some chemistry between them. And it was. And unlike her first love, this one was mutual.

So that was all with Emily's story. She had gone through the Ethanobsession for long. But in the end, she found a way to live her life happily with people that would actually love her and cherish her. And all we could do, is wish her a very good luck.

         As for Ethan, he was doing pretty well with his life. Somehow, he knew how to enjoy it as it comes. He never complained about life being tough to him. He knew that it wasn't always rainbows and butterflies, though, he always saw it from the bright side. He had his own ways to make his life more cheerful. Travelling, was one of his passions. He had gone to several places around the world: Shanghai, Seoul, Paris, Athens, Prague... A lot actually. He always craved adventure, thus, he always chased it. As for his romantic life, Ethan had interesting love stories. He knew a lot of girls, and none of them could reject him. Actually, they could barely get his heart. Even sometimes, they could compete for it. He was simply irresistible.

Until we meet again...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora