Chapter 12

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The day after, he woke up, showered, got dressed and left to meet her. As he arrived to the place she was staying in, she was ready and waiting for him, then they went together. She was wearing a pale pink T-shirt and jean shorts, her camera around her neck, putting a straw hat, knotting her hair as pigtails.

“You look cute in these.” He said, referring to her hair.

“Thank you, I love them.” She smiled, flushing.

And they walked together, in the beautiful city, having one of the most memorable days in their lives. Their first destination was the Doge’s Palace, then St Mark’s Basilica. After that, they had lunch overlooking the Rialto Bridge, enjoying the glorious sparkle in the water coming from the sunbeam, and listening to the amazing Italian music sung by the gondoliers. Thereafter, they went to Teatro La Fenice, the opera house. It is one of the most famous theatres in Europe. The show was spectacular. It was fanciful, like if it would take you back in the glory time of music. Lastly, they ended up on the beach, witnessing the sunset. After the golden glow of late afternoon, Venice at sunset can be a marvel of pink-streaked skies. There's some kind of magic that happens when the sun drifts down. The world seems to glow with bright light and brilliant color, but just for an instant before the darkness sets in. A hot pink sky behind the famous skyline of Venice makes a lovely backdrop for a special moment. It was their moment. It was simply timeless. Before the crazy Summer stood up abruptly, leaving him in wonder.

“Come, I have an idea.” She said as she took off her shirt.

“Another crazy idea of yours?” He asked, surprised.

“Yes… Hurry!” she shouted as she was running away to the water. He took his shirt off as well as his jeans, then went after her. The water was cold, with its calm crystal waves, where the moonlight reflected.

“Isn’t this awesome?” She said, floating and looking straight into his blue sparkling eyes.

“You’re crazy. I like that.” He said back, getting closer to her.

“I like it too.” She smiled, while he was staring at her and smiling as well.

“What?” She asked.

“It’s beautiful, your smile…It’s genuine.” He said, without moving his eyes on her. She approached him, without saying a word, till their bodies touched. He put his arms around her waist, and she put hers around his neck. And they kissed. It was gentle, but captivating, a sweet mixture of her cherry lipstick and salty ocean water. Mesmerized lips pressed together time after time, transporting them to another world. Ragged breathing brought a fiery heat to the cold ocean air. With just the two of them there, the rest of the world disappeared. Desire ignited the world around them as they became lost in a sea of lust and love. It was a spicy, powerful combination that sent waves of passion crashing over them. The rest of the world was engulfed in their lustful burning flames as their kisses grow more urgent. As their lips pull apart, a gentle breeze fluttered over the flame extinguishing the desperate heat. Their breathing came out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity had washed away. The rest of the world was slowly coming back into focus. He carried her in his arms, and walked out of the water. Her eyes on him, her heart beating. He put her on the sparkling sand, lying next to her, touching her face and staring at her lovely smile.

“What are you doing to me, Summer?” He said, giving her a captivating gaze.

“What am I doing to you, Ethan?” She replied, not moving her eyes on him.

“When I’m with you, I have this ineffable feeling. Today, I felt most…Alive.” He smiled.

“I know.” She said, then pulled his head down till his lips were on hers, and they kissed, passionately. Then he started kissing her neck and down, while she was passing her fingers through his impeccable hair, then her hands on his back. And they made love, on the beach, under the stars, the diamond sky. It was a perfect night, filled with passion, lust, and maybe…love. Yes, love. Because sometimes, it takes you a whole life to find true love, and sometimes, just one week in Venice is enough to drive you right to it. It can finally offer your heart what it craved, and fill the empty part of your life.

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