Chapter 10

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At the end of the exposition, he stayed after all the people had left. The two were the only ones remaining there.

“You’re not leaving?” She asked.

“I am, aren’t you?’ He answered.

“Of course, my work here is done.” She said, smiling.

“Good, let’s go.”


“After you.” He said, gallant as ever, and they walked out.

“So where are you staying?” She asked.

“The Bauer Hotel, you know it?” He replied, narrowing his eyes.

“Oh, of course I do. It must have cost you a fortune.” She said, surprised.

“Well, money is meant to be spent. What about you?” He asked back.

“Well, I’m staying in a motel not far from here.” She said, then she added, “There’s no way I’m going to walk in those heels. They’re such a pain.” She removed her shoes and kept walking barefoot.

“Are you going to walk like this?” He asked, his voice full of astonishment due to her unexpected act.

“Yes, I am. Any problem?” She said with a big ridiculous smile.

“No, not at all. But we can go on a water taxi if you want.” He suggested.

“Oh, no… I’m fine like that, besides, I like to walk.” She grinned.

“Okay then, as you like.” He said back.

“Well, I have an idea… I’ll ask you a question and you’ll have to answer, then it’s your turn to ask.” She proposed.

“Um... Okay.” He agreed, partly, not knowing where that would lead.

“Great, I’ll start… If you ruled the world, what would you change?” She said.

“Well, if I ruled the world I would stop wars and crime and make sure everyone has food to eat and water to drink. I would make sure all animals are protected from cruelty… And of course, if I ruled the world, there would be no chance I would be walking in the street like this as an ordinary person, with someone unshod, so I’d rather not.” He said, with a lovely smile.

“Oh, I see… Now, it’s your turn.” She replied.

“Okay, how would you describe your version of a perfect home?” He asked.

“Well, I would want a house on a nice beach with beautiful water. I think it would be amazing to have a little waterfall into a pool which then ran out to the ocean in a small stream. I’d love a Jacuzzi. I would like my house to have windows and plants. Maybe a courtyard with some plants like a little jungle. I would want a kitchen with a wooden table and wooden chairs. I like the pine look. I would like a kitchen with marble floors, blue tiled counters, and wooden cabinets. A couch in the front room with a TV. A bedroom with a big bed and curtains that can be pulled around it. I’d like a bathroom with all the basics and a bathtub that has massaging jets. That would be amazing. But that’s probably never going to happen.” She laughed.

“Oh, it seems like a nice home. But everything is possible, you know.” He said.

“Anyway, my turn, if you were to change something about yourself, what would it be?” She asked, raising her eyebrow.

“Well, nothing. I happen to like myself as I am, and I have no intention to change anything about me for any reason. Does that answer your question?” He said, confidentially.

“No. Anyway, next question?”

“Um… What’s your definition of life?” He inquired.

“Well, life can be a real struggle sometimes. But without those struggles we would never grow. For some reason we need the really bad times in order to appreciate the really good times… For me, Life is a sea, it's an endless sea. You can swim in it. You can drown in it. It ends only when you get tired of trying to get out.” She said, sensitively.

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