Chapter 19

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Once in my hotel room, I found the girls still awake waiting for me to give them the report of my day.

“Finally, here she is! How was the date?” Lena asked, always curious.

“It wasn’t a date.” I answered.

“Oh yeah? Then what was it?”

“Well…I don’t know…”

“See? Come on, girl! Tell us what happened, where did you go? We’re your friends.” She said, before I could complete my sentence.

“Well, we had dinner, then he took me to an amazing place for star-gazing. It was awesome.” I responded.

“Star-gazing! How romantic!” She commented, enthusiastic as she was.

“Lena! Come on.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“Well, I know that I don’t know him much, but I think that this guy is interested in you.”

“Of course he is.  We’re best friends.”

“You know that’s not what I meant. I meant more than just friendship.”

“I don’t know. I mean I’ve always been he’s little friend. I don’t know how that could change.”

“Well that was before. But look at you now, you’re a pretty grown-up girl. So there’s no reason that would make you think he doesn’t.” Sarah interfered.

“Well, then we’re going to have to wait to see how it goes. But now, I don’t want to have too much hope on that, so that I won’t be disappointed at the end.” I said, then changed the topic, “So tell me, what about you guys? How was your day?”

“Probably not as exciting as yours…We had lunch in a nice place then wandered in the city’s streets. Tomorrow we’re planning to go to the London Eye, are you going with us?” Lena answered.

“Um, I can’t, Ethan will come pick me up in the morning. I don’t know where he will take me this time.” I replied, apologetically.

“Cool! Lucky you!” She said back.

“Yeah, well are you staying up late girls? Because I’m exhausted. I’m going to have a shower and then join the bed.” I said as I got up from on the bed to grab my clothes.

“No, we will sleep now too.” Sarah said.

“Alright then.” I said back, then head to the shower.

         In the morning, as we woke up, each one made herself ready then we head down together. At that time I got a text from Ethan telling me that he had arrived and waiting for me outside. The other guys were already down waiting for us to come.

“Finally, come on girls we’re starving.” One of them yelled as he saw us coming.

“You’re not having breakfast with us?” Sarah asked me, as she saw that I wasn’t moving towards the guys.

“Um…Actually, Ethan is here and he’s waiting for me outside. We’ll have breakfast together.” I managed to say, apologetically.

“Seems that someone isn’t free for us at all.” Lena replied, with a mocking smile.

“Lena!” I gave her that Please-don’t-start-again kind of look.

“Don’t listen to her” Sarah said, and she gave me a quick kiss on my cheek, then added “Have fun.”

“Thank you, Sarah, you too.” I said back.

“I was kidding, have fun sweetheart.” Lena added, “And say hi to your charming hottie boyfriend.”

  “I will, for the fun. And for the records, he’s not my boyfriend.” I winked and smiled at her.

“Yeah right.” She said, with that you’re-not-expecting-me-to-believe-this smile of her face.

“Okay girls, I should go now. Bye.” I waved at them and head towards the exit.

         As I came out, he was already waiting, leaning on his car. He started moving towards me as he saw me.

“Morning sunshine! You look…good.” He said, in the most charming way.

“Morning! Thanks. So do you.” I replied, pleased.

Oh my God! This seems like the perfect start of a day. Is this even real? I am getting a “Morning sunshine!” and from who? Mr. completely gorgeous and charming. Oh well, things could never be better than that.

“Excited for the tour, miss?” He said, as we got in the car.

“Absolutely, I can’t wait. I’m very enthusiastic.” I smiled.

“I can see that...did you sleep well?”

“More or less. Well, I spent a long time thinking about how wonderful last evening was. It was really amazing.” I explained.

“Ah, well you haven’t seen anything yet.”

“Oh really? Well I’d be more than happy to find out what’s left for me to see.”

“And I’d be more than happy to show you.” He said.

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