Chapter 16

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Our flight was on Sunday. We were five, three girls and two guys. It was the first time for us to leave the country, we were more excited than it could be describable. When we arrived, it was already the afternoon. Ethan got to the city a few days before, so he came to pick me up from the airport. When we landed on, he was already waiting, looking hot as ever. It was an amazing moment, seeing him there made me want to jump in his arms and get lost, but somehow I managed to control myself. He waved at me as he saw me, and I was moving towards him as if I was flying.

“Here you are! Finally.” He said, giving me a hug by surprise.

“Oh yeah, here I am.” I said, smiling back. Trying to resist.

“Oh look at you, you look great. You’ve grown up much, it suits you. Last time I saw you, you were much of a high school girl.” He added, analyzing me as if I was a portrait.

“Yeah, well. That was long ago” I responded, always with the same big smile on my face.

“Right, time flies.” He said, abruptly. Then added, “Come, we can complete our conversation on our way.”

He went first, then I followed him with one of the girls, my close friend, the others chose to go by taxi.

“Finally in London, they should be celebrating.” He said, as we got into the car.

“Of course they are, they sent Ethan to get me from the airport. They must be celebrating.” I said back, immediately.

“Yeah right, always the perfect answers. So tell me, how are you doing?” He asked.

“Well, I’m perfect. I mean, I’m in London, I met you. Can it be better than this?”

“Well, I can see that. I’m glad to know you’re doing good, especially when I’m one of the reasons.” He replied, confident as ever. Soon he added, looking at me “You didn’t introduce your friend.”

“Oh yeah, sorry. Ethan, this is Sarah. Sarah, Ethan” I said shortly, introducing one to the other.

“It’s nice to meet you Sarah.” He said, giving her a polite and gallant look.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Ethan. Marie had been talking about you a lot.” She replied, smiling, pointing at me.

“She had? I hope in a good way.”

“Yes, it’s all good.” She said, giggling, admiring his charming gaze. I could tell, nobody could resist it.

“So, how are the guys?” I asked, trying the break the awkward silence.

“Well, they’re all doing fine. They’re living their lives. My lovely cousin and her husband are moving forward with their oh-so-sweet fairytale. I’m shocked it’s still working for them, I didn’t know they could make it this far. But yeah, they are happy, which is, you know, good.” He answered.

“Oh, thank God she’s not here, she would break your nose if she hears you say this, trust me.”

“That’s been my opinion from the beginning. I mean, come on, I’ve known him since forever, we were so much alike. Or at least that’s what I thought. I just didn’t want them to have a tragic end, while they could avoid all this.”

“Well, then you should appreciate the fact that they aren’t. I mean, look at them, they’re having a perfect life.” I added.

“Yeah, sure. Okay, it’s their life, none of my business. I’m happy for them. Of course.” He said, sardonically.

“What about Emily? How’s it going for her?” I asked again.

“Well, I haven’t heard of her for a while, all I know is that she’s somewhere in Europe now, having one of her so-called Fashion shows. I think she’s doing pretty fine, you know, you got to live your life.”

“Is she still with that French guy?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I guess she is. I hope it works between them.”

“Yeah, me too, I hope it works for them. She really deserves to be happy, you know, especially after all she’s been through because of you.”

“Well, I never wished that for her. Besides, she knew it wasn’t going to lead anywhere, but she chose to try.”

“Yeah, right. Anyway, it’s good to know that she’s fine and moved on.” I said, smiling.

“Yeah, she found a way out. That was a good start.”

“Yeah, I guess.” I replied.

“So for how many days you’re staying here?” He asked.

“Five, five days, we’ll leave on Friday.” I answered.

“Oh, I can’t say it’s enough for London, but yeah, here we go.”

“Yeah, better than nothing.”

“Sure.” He said, then we got out of the car as we arrived to the hotel where we had made our reservations. The other friends got there just after us, then my friend joined them leaving me alone with Ethan.

“So, excited?” He asked.

“Very.” I replied, smiling.

“Yeah, I can see that…So, what are you having tomorrow?”

“Well, we have to attend the conference, it’s going to be at ten in the morning, and I don’t know for how long it will last.” I said.

“Ah, so let me know what happens, if you’ll have time tomorrow, we can go somewhere, there’re a lot of places you need to see in this city.”

“Yeah, sure. That’d be amazing.”

“I will make sure of that.” He smirked.

“I know you will.” I smiled.

“Okay, so I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Tomorrow then.”

“It’s really good to see you.” He said, then before I got to respond he added “sleep well.”

“I will. You too.” I said back, then joined my friends while he left.

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