Chapter 17

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“Oh my God! He is hotter in person.” My friend Sarah screamed as she saw me coming.

“Yes, I know. Now I guess you know what I’m dealing with.” I said immediately, walking towards the others.

“Who was that?” The other girl, Lena, asked while the guys followed the servant to their room, and so did we.

“He’s my friend.” I murmured.

“Wow, I’ve never knew you have an English friend…” And before she got to complete the sentence, I corrected:


“English, American, whatever…Does it even matter? Oh My God, he’s hot. How come you never mentioned him?”

“Well, I’ve never had the chance to.” I replied shortly as we got into the room. The servant helped us put our luggage in then left.

“So, since when you know him?” She couldn’t let go, curious as she was.

“A couple of years now.”

“Oh, and is he just a friend?” She raised her eyebrows, wondering.

“Yes. Well I wished he was more. But yes, he is just a friend.” I answered trying to unpack my things, while Sarah had already gone to shower.

“I can’t blame you, he is completely handsome.” She smiled, her eyes wide open.

“Yes he is.” I said shortly, then added “This is a beautiful room, isn’t it?”

“Yes it is. It’s very modern. This is going to be our best trip of all time.” She shouted, excited as she was.

“Of course, I can’t wait to have a tour around the city. We’re in London!” I screamed in return, both jumping on the bed.

“Where’s Sarah?” She stopped.

“She’s in the bathroom, having a shower.” I said, laughing.

“Oh really? I didn’t see her.”

“Of course you didn’t, because you were too busy talking about my Oh-My-God-He-Is-Hot friend.”

“By the way, you didn’t tell me what’s his name.” She got back to asking about him.

“He we go again.” I gave her the look, as we both sat on the bed.

“Come on, if I had a friend like him, I wouldn’t stop talking about him.” She said, curiosity burning in her eyes.

“Ethan. His name is Ethan.” I smiled.

“Ethan then, where does he live?” She asked again, as Sarah came out of the bathroom.

“You’re still talking about him. You should always know everything.” She told her, saving me from having to give her answers.

“So, what are we going to do this evening?” I tried to change the topic.

“Well, well, well…WE ARE IN LONDON.” She joined us and started jumping on the bed. We sang, danced, and laughed hard. We were happy. Then we slept.

In the morning, as we woke up, we got ready and went down to meet the guys. We had breakfast and left to the university where the conference was organized. It lasted for about three hours. It went generally well, a little boring at some point, but it ended eventually. It’s true that we were happy to have been chosen, but it’s not the conference that we were excited for, but the trip to London. After that, we went to have lunch. I called Ethan to let him know how it went, then he suggested that we go out, so I had to go back to the hotel to change and so that he can come pick me up. The others went together to explore the city. When I got back, I showered and I got ready before he arrived, then went down to find him. I was wearing a long black dress, with high heels. He was elegantly dressed, standing out of his car, waiting for me.

“You look stunning.” He said, as he saw me. I blushed, then said back:

“Thanks, so do you.”

“So, shall we go?” He opened the car door for me in the most gentlemanly way.

“So where are we going?” I said as we got in.

“Do you want to go somewhere special?” He asked.

“No, not that I know anywhere here.” I rolled my eyes, smiling.

“Alright then, be my guest today!” He smiled, and smirked at me.

“Do I have another choice?” I raised my eyebrow.

“No you don’t.” eyes on the road.

“So, how was it? …That thing you had in the morning.” He asked as he started driving.

“Well, it was fine, it’s not like we were paying too much attention.” I said.

“Oh, I see.” He replied, shortly.

“What about you? What did you do today?” I asked.

“Not much. I went for a walk in the morning, then breakfast…and you know, the ordinary thing.” He answered, then added, “Are you hungry? There’s a nice place not far from here, we’ll go there.”

Was he asking or suggesting? Anyway, I shook my head and smiled.

After a short time he stopped at a luxurious restaurant.

“And here we are.” He said, then we got out of the car.

“Wow, I thought you said a nice place. But that is...” I said, astonished.

“What? What were you thinking? … Precious people get precious treatment.” He said, before I got to complete my sentence. Then we got in.

The place was outstanding, classy and sumptuous. We had dinner, then we went for a walk. It was already the evening and the weather was calm.

“The place was awesome.” I said.

“Well, I’m glad you liked it.” He smiled.

“Yeah, so where are we going now?” I asked.

“Well, since it’s late, I’m going to kidnap you, lock you in, and then I’ll figure out what I’ll do with you.” He said, mockingly.

“Hilarious!” I said back, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, well I don’t know how this can be funny, but I’m glad it is to you.” He smiled at me as we kept walking towards the car.

What is this exactly? Can he be any creepier? ... Anyway, I didn’t know what to say, so I just smiled back and got in the car as he opened the door for me again.

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