Chapter 25

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I was literally speechless. At that particular moment, I think my heart skipped a few beats.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” He said, making me go back to focus.

“I…, I…, I am surprised by all this.” I managed to say, trying hard to catch my breath.

“I know. I know that all this has happened so fast.”

“Yeah, actually faster than it could ever be.”

“You’re right, but I know that this is the right time.”

“Really? Do you really believe that?” I watched his facial expression change, “Ethan, this is no joke. Marriage, is not something you just decide in a moment of passion and zeal. It’s a life decision.”

“I know. I know that. And I want it. I want you to be mine forever. Because I don’t want to be away from you anymore.” He sighed.

“Since when? Since when you decided you want to get married? … You’re Ethan, the forever-bachelor, remember? You like to have fun, to live your life freely and in your own style, no attachments, no commitments.”

What are you doing? You love him, and he’s proposing to you. And instead of saying yes, you decided you’re going to argue with him. What an idiot! My heart and brain started fighting again.

“Since I fell in love with you. Marie, I love you, and I know that you love me too. And I want to have you any way I can get you. So yes, I want to marry you. And I don’t care about how I used to think, or how I wanted to live my life. Because right now, this is what I want. And I want it so badly.” He said, passionately.

“You love me? And when did that happen?” I dared to ask.

“Look, I don’t know how to explain this, but I just know that what I feel for you is no way describable. It’s magical. And if it’s not love then what is it? Marie, I never felt that way before. I don’t have any argument for my love for you, but I just do. I do love you. And the past few days that I spent with you made me realize that you are the one for me.”

“The past few days then. So you’re telling me that you fell in love with me in three days?”

“Love isn’t determined by the amount of time people spend together. Some might fall in love at first sight. And some take a long time to realize that they are meant for each other. Besides, I knew you for years.”

“And along all those years. What was I to you? … I was that little girl who loved you from afar, and who always thought she was never good enough for you.”

“Never good enough? … If only you could see how special you are. Marie, there’s something in you I never found in anybody else. You’re the most unique person I have ever met. And all that time, I always thought I didn’t deserve that genuine beauty, purity and uniqueness that you have. But yesterday when you were talking about how you feel about me, I realized that I have a chance, and that what you feel for me is more than just friendship. And that made me happy in no describable way.” He said, bringing tears to my eyes.

“Ethan, you have no idea how it feels to hear you say this. The only man that I ever fell in love with, the one that I loved for years is now in front of me telling me such things. It’s something beyond my expectations and it feels entirely... amazing.” I replied, but my tune wasn’t very promising.

“But?” He snapped.

“But I’m a simple girl, Ethan. And I take everything seriously. And loving you doesn’t mean I will throw myself at you just because you’re bored and you want some change. Ethan, this is a for the moment decision. But marriage is not something you can decide suddenly, you should have thought about it well and enough.”

“I know what marriage is. And I am fully aware of what I’m asking for.  And I sure as hell want this…We are meant for each other, Marie. And all this, you trip and mine too, this is no coincidence. This is fate bringing us together. Marie, you want this too, and I know it. So stop fighting yourself.”

“Yes, I want it. I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life… I love you, Ethan. And I want nothing more than to be with you…”

“Then why are we even having this argument?” He interrupted.

“Ethan, there’s a lot of things that have been going on lately. And I need to figure them out. And all that has made me so confused. So I need time to clear my mind and to think things through. So I can’t give you an answer right now, because I need to think about this.”

“Um…Okay, I understand.” He said, disappointedly, after a moment. “I know that all this has happened so quickly, so if you want time to think, I’ll wait.” He added.

“Yeah...” I looked around, the sunset was close, “…I think we should get back, it’s getting dark.”

“Yeah.” He said briefly, then started rowing back to the shore. After that, we head immediately back to the hotel.

“So, you’re leaving tomorrow.” He said, as we were at the hotel’s entry.

“Yeah, right.”

“What time is your flight?” He asked.

“Ten in the morning.” I answered precisely.

“Ah, okay.”

“So, will you come at the airport?”

“I will… and I hope I get my answer by then.”

“Alright. Now I should get inside.” I smiled.

He took my hand and his touch sent shivers through my entire body.

“Good night, Marie.” He said.

“Good night.” I replied, then walked in.

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