Chapter 13

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The few days after were amazing, they enjoyed every minute together. And every moment made them fall for each other over again. They fell in love unconditionally, irrevocably, and by all means. And then, the week had vanished and it was time for them to get back to the states. They packed their things, and flew back to New York. By then, they were deeply in love.

Their relationship was going perfectly well, they went out on dates, made lovely surprises for each other, and tried their best to make each other happy, eventually they succeeded. They were both very romantic, each one in his proper way. What they had was more than just love, it was mutual respect, care, understanding, honesty, and each one was willing to sacrifice for the other's happiness.

Ethan was a man that all girls would fall in love with. He always knew how to treat women. He was loyal, romantic, caring, and trustworthy. He would always make his girl feel special, as if she was the only woman in the world. He was always serious in his relationships, and did his best to make them work. He always liked to be free, to feel love and live it. But he never believed in marriage. He used to say that marriage kills love. For him, love was a great feeling, and it was not supposed to be enchained or attached. It was higher than to be put in a cage of attachments.

Summer and he had a very special relationship, they were happy. But happy moments never last forever, and soon, they started having problems that made their relationship stumble. But somehow, they always figured out a way to pass through them, and move beyond them, with the great love that they had. She had to travel a lot and it was hard for them to keep it going as it was. They got busy with their lives. At some point, they couldn’t find time for each other, for their relationship. All this affected their relationship badly. It made it more complicated. It wasn’t like before, like that passionate, adventurous, and full of surprises kind of relationship. It became more or less ordinary, monotonous, and even boring. But in spite of all this, they kept hope. They were still trying to make it work. None of them could let go of it.

One day, after her comeback from one of her work trips outside the country, they decided to go out together to celebrate her return. So they went to the club. Once there, they found their friends drinking and having fun. As soon as they saw them walking in, one of their friends yelled:

“Hey, Ethan, come and join us.” Waving at them.

Ethan waved back, and they walked towards them.

“Hey, guys!” He said.

“Oh, hey…It’s been a long time. How are you doing Summer?” another one of their buddies replied.

“I’m good, thanks Ric.” She said back.

“Come. Sit with us, we are playing Truth or Dare.” He invited. Ethan looked at her as if he was asking her about her opinion. She shook her head in approval.

“It sounds like a good idea.” She responded, smiling.

“Okay then, I’ll go grab some drinks.” Ethan said, and left. Moments later, he came back with two glasses of martini. He handed her one, then joined them, and sat next to her.

“Okay guys, let’s start! Who are we going to start with?” He rolled the bottle on the table. When it stopped, it was directed to Josie, one of Ethan and Summer’s friends.

“Josephine! Here we go… So, what was your age when you did it for the first time?” They asked.

“Oh, fifteen. It was at the age of fifteen.” She answered.

“Fifteen then, good girl.” One of them said back, laughing.

“Alright, let’s see who is next!” He rolled the bottle again then added, “Summer! It’s you… So, is Ethan a good kisser?”

“Very…” She answered, whispering in a sexy voice. Then one of them stood up and said “Cheers to the good kisser!” They laughed all, and drank… After two others, it was Ethan’s turn.

“So, what can we ask Ethan? What can we ask him? …” The one who was supposed to ask the question wondered, then looked straight at him and said, “Well, if it came down to reaching one of your great goals or taking a chance that will lead you to success, and Summer. What will you choose?”

Ethan looked a bit of confused, he really didn’t expect this kind of questions, then replied, “Well, that’s not fair, you know! Anyway, I am sure we will not get to that, and I am not going to have to choose.” He smiled, looking at her, then she smiled back.

The rest of the evening was amazing. They had a lot of fun; they danced, drank, laughed…It was a lovely evening. And probably, the last lovely evening of them together.

Until we meet again...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang