Chapter 28

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Two months later, I got a job. But in the meantime, I was looking for one is the states. I applied for some applications and did some internships until finally I got a work offer there, and luckily, it was in New York. So it was time for me to move there. And that was very good news to Ethan. I started my life as an independent woman in New York, and my fiancé made sure to make every moment of my life special. He helped and supported me in everything, in my career and my life in general. He was the perfect example of a fiancé and lover. With him, I always felt special. And most of all, I was the happiest girl in the world. 

         After I settled down, and got everything going well with my life. We realized there was no need for us to wait more. So we decided to get married. We set a date, and it was almost a year after our engagement. Since then, we started preparing for the wedding.  Everything was going perfectly as I ever wished for. We chose a very talented wedding planner to plan for our wedding. We got everything done, from the invitations to the wedding dress. And it was all perfect.  

         The day before the wedding, my parents came to New York. After getting them from the airport, we head to Ethan’s family house, where they were organizing a welcoming party for my parents. Once we arrived, I noticed that Ethan wasn’t there. I called him but he didn’t answer. So I had to ask his mother who said that he went to do something and he would be back in a moment. Anyway, I spent my time introducing Ethan’s family to my parents who seemed to get very along together. But time passed and Ethan didn’t show up, which made me a little anxious, especially that he wasn’t answering my calls.

“Marie, did Ethan call you? He told me that he wouldn’t be this long. I tried to call him but he didn’t answer.” Julianne, Ethan’s mom came to ask me.

“No, he didn’t. Actually, he doesn’t answer my calls as well.” I replied.

“Oh, I got worried. I hope nothing is wrong with him.” She said, concerned.

“Yeah, don’t worry, he must be putting his phone on silent mode.” I tried to stay optimistic.

At that moment, my phone ringed, and it was him. Thank God!

“See? Here he is!” I added, happily.

“Great!” His mother released her breath.

“Hello, Ethan, where are you?” I answered the call.

“I’m sorry Ma’am, but the man whose phone is this had a car accident, so we brought him to the hospital, and…” A strange voice was on the other end of the line. I dropped the phone as I heard what he said, making everyone in the room panic.

“What? What’s wrong?” Julia shouted, looking frightened.

I stood frozen for seconds not believing what I had just heard. Then finally decided to speak,

“It’s…Ethan. He…He had a car accident.” I mumbled, then poured into tears.

“What? No, this can’t be real.” Ethan’s father George snapped, and his mother fainted. So they brought her water till she got back her consciousness.

“What happened to him exactly?” He asked, terrified.

“I don’t know. We need to go to the hospital right now.” I said.

“Which hospital?” He asked right back.

“I don’t know. Call that man again! …Hurry!” I yelled.

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