Chapter 14

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A few days later, Ethan received a work offer in one of the biggest hospitals in England. It was a lifetime opportunity from him, for any doctor. There, he would get the chance to gain a great experience. It was simply a chance that he couldn’t miss. He was too excited preparing for his move and for his new life. And he forgot to make Summer take part in his decisions, he was afraid to tell her. It is true that she had to travel too, to be away, but it was just for few days, or weeks. But in this case, it is not just days, not even weeks, it might be for years, and years can be a really long time.

         Most of Ethan’s close people knew that he was leaving, his family, his friends… Except her. Summer was the only one who didn’t know. Until she found out accidentally, from one of his friends. She was shocked. She didn’t believe it. She couldn’t understand why he didn’t tell her, while she was the first person that was supposed to know. Then she decided to meet him to understand the whole story. To do so, she went to his work place. He was surprised to see her.

“Summer, what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Aren’t you happy to see me?” She said.

“Oh, no. Not that, of course I am happy to see you.” He hugged her, then added, “You could call me, and tell me that you are coming.”

“I wanted to make you a surprise.” She smiled.

“What a lovely surprise then, do you want to drink something?” He asked.

“Oh, no, thanks.” She replied, then moved her eyes around the place and added, “It must be hard leaving this place. It must be hard to let all your memories here and go. Isn’t it?” she looked up till her eyes met his. He was surprised hearing those words, he was confused, he didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know how to reply. Soon she added, “Isn’t it, Ethan? Or it is easy for you to just leave and let all the memories fade away?”

“Memories never face away, Summer.” He finally moved his lips and said something.

“Yeah, right…” She said back, sardonically.

“Summer, look, I wanted to tell you, but...”

“No no, please don’t bother. I understand, you’re punishing me for being a little selfish, I put a lot of things as my priorities and I didn’t give much attention to our relationship lately.” She said, apologetically.

“No, it’s not that. I’m not punishing you for anything. It’s true that you’ve changed a little lately. You became different from Summer I’ve met back in Venice. You became someone I could barely recognize. But you are not the only one to take the responsibility for what our relationship came down to, I am responsible too.”

“I didn’t change, Ethan.” She said briefly.

“Yes, you did. You’re no longer that girl that I met in Venice, and that I fell in love with immediately. You were carefree, you were full of surprises, you were that fun girl who could do anything to enjoy the moment. You made me love life. With you, it was just unpredictable. But now, look at us, our conflicts are becoming more than the moments we are along. We don’t even find time for us.” He replied 

“Then why you didn’t end it? Why were you still holding on?” She interrupted him.

“Because I’m Ethan. Because I don’t let go. Because I always keep hope that we can do something to make it work. Because I hold on till the end, so that I won’t feel the guilt of giving up.” He answered, his voice full of both seriousness and anger.

“But there’s nothing we can do to make it work, and that’s why you are running. Right!”

“I’m not running, Summer. I do not run.” He responded, with the same tone.

“Really, then why it seems to me that you are? You are leaving to another country, and you are going to live there for years, and you didn’t think that I should at least know.” She said, giving him a lamentable look.

“Summer, I was going to tell you. I was just trying to find a way to do so. I was afraid of what might be your reaction. Summer, I didn’t want to lose you.” He explained.

“Yeah, right… Do you remember when we were at the club, and they asked you if it came down to reaching your goals and me, what you would choose, you said that we won’t get to that. Well I think that we just did, and it is obvious what you have chosen.” She said, with a sorrowful voice.


“No, Ethan, please don’t feel like you owe me anything. Do you really think that I will stop you from getting what you want? … I would never let you miss a chance like this, even if you had to choose it over me. Because, if I were you, I wouldn’t.”

“No, but I would. I would always choose you, even if it meant giving up on my dreams. Because nothing would matter more. But now, what is left of us? Is it really worth it? Do you really see a brighter future for us together?” He replied, his voice full of emotions.

“I get it, Ethan.” And she barely managed to smile.

“I can’t do this, Summer. Not anymore.” His eyes full of grief.

“Neither can I.” She said back, trying to hold her tears.

“I will never forget you, Summer. You were always special to me.” He smiled.

“I won’t either… Good luck, Ethan. I wish you a great life, because you deserve it.”

“Thank you. I wish you a happy life as well. You have taught me a lot of things, and I will always be grateful for that.”

“So, I guess it’s time to say goodbye.” She said, trying not to drop any tear.

“I’m not really good at saying Goodbyes.” 

“Neither am I.” She replied, stared at him, then finally managed to talk, “Goodbye, Ethan.” She said.

He looked at her, then said back, “Goodbye, Summer.” And he gave her a goodbye hug.

And just like that, Summer and Ethan’s fairytale came to an end. And unlike Emily, Summer actually had a story with Ethan. They fell in love, and it was mutual. They were happy, and it suited them. Their story was beautiful. It was real. But it ended. Probably because they didn’t give it much attention for a period of time. Making a relationship work requires sacrifice from both partners for their mutual good. In their case, they got too involved in their personal lives and put their relationship in the second place. And even if they managed to keep it going, they couldn’t do it for so long, and soon, they had to put everything in its right place. And they broke up.

Ethan went to England, and he lived it up. He stayed there for three years, then he came back to the states to start his own work. He made a clinic on his own. And he succeeded. As for Summer, she was doing pretty well with in her career too. She went to several places in the world, and no one could stop her from getting what she wanted.

Until we meet again...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat