Chapter 9

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He spent the rest of his day exploring the city, before he went back to the hotel. The day after was dedicated to the carnival, he spent it enjoying the magnificent scenery which was considered as one of the irresistible attractions of the city, and undoubtedly, one of the world's most unique experiences: the re-living of the 18th century in Venice. Wednesday was his third day in the city, he devoted it to visit the Venetian museums. His day was fully artistic, he spent it with the masterpieces of art of all kinds. Before he ended up in the last museum downtown. In the same avenue was an art gallery. There seemed to be an exhibit. As curious as he was, he wanted to have a look, so he got inside. The place was crowded, and there were photographs exposed all over. He took his time to appraise the pieces, wandering in the gallery. Moments later, he observed a blonde woman welcoming the visitors. She was dressed in a sparkling short grey dress, and was piling up her hair in a loosely tied side chignon. As he got closer, he realized it was actually Summer, the clumsy girl he met two days ago. Soon, he remembered when she told him about the exposition, what another coincidence! When she saw him, she walked towards him immediately.

“It’s you again, what are you doing here?” She asked, surprised by his presence.

“Well, I was passing by, and I realized that there's some kind of exhibit here, so I came to see.” He answered, “I like the work by the way.”

“Oh, thank you. I like it too.” She giggled, and he smiled.

“You look different, I couldn’t recognize you.” He said.

“Oh, really… I can’t blame you. The last time you saw me, I was in a complete mess.” She replied, shaking her head.

“Oh, well...” He turned his head to look at the photographs, particularly at one black-and-white picture of a sorrowful old man, then asked, “So, what can you tell me about this one?”

“Well,sitting alone on a little place surrounded by cars traffic. Self-isolation. Waiting for nothing. He talked to me for about an hour. Of a lost life. An ordinary life like mine, like many others.” She answered,eloquently.

“Okay, I see.” He said back, then added, looking at another of a young girl seen from the back looking into a circular window, “What about this one?”

“The girl in the white dress is attired for festivity and dance but is left on the outside and wanting in. She calls to those inside but is ignored and left out. The peeling exterior and hard cement under the girl’s feet speak of a “hardness” to the world outside; a sense that is accentuated by the harsh light and shadow. The contrasting dark window speaks of release, calm and coolness from a hard world.” She replied, convincingly.

“Oh, can you excuse me for a minute?”


“I’ll be right back” He said, and headed to the reception desk. He opened his wallet, and seemed to have bought some photographs. She kept staring at him the whole time, till he came back to join her.

“I can see that you bought one of these two?” She wondered.

“I bought both of them actually, and the other two over there; I liked them the minute I walked in.” He said, passing his fingers through his impeccable hair.

“Oh, how generous of you. I thought you were just passing by.” She added, in a mocking tone.

“I was, but I happen to admire art, and photography is one modern form of art. And I do value good pieces.” He responded, self-assured.

“Okay. I’m glad that you liked my work.” She gave him a lovely smile.

He stayed there for the whole event, contemplating the images and chatting with some of the people there. She was pleased by his presence. Somehow, she liked him. He was fascinating by his charm, self-confidence, steadiness and strong personality.

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