Chapter 26

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“Hello little miss sunshine.” Lena grinned, after I came to our room.

“Hey.” I frowned.

“So will miss I-had-a-very-romantic-date tell us about it?” Sarah got in the line.

“Firstly, Sarah, I want to know why you didn’t tell me that he called you and asked you to do that.” I shouted.

“Well, he asked me not to tell you, smarty. Because it was a surprise. And honestly, I thought it was very romantic.” She defended herself.

“Anyway, I don’t want to argue about this. Because there are important things to talk about right now.” I calmed down.

“Really? Spill the beans.” Lena jumped out of her bed, curious as she was.

“Well, I am pretty sure you too are going to freak out after you hear what I’m just about to tell you.” I raised their curiosity.

“What? Did he kiss you?” Lena said, more excited than she’s ever been.

“Argh…typical Lena! … No, not that.” I replied.

“Shut up, Lena! Let her tell us what happened. Go ahead lovebird!” Sarah snapped.

“Alright. Alright. Well, Mr. completely gorgeous and charming has just proposed to your friend, aka me.” I told them, not wanting to make them wait more.

“You’re kidding.” Sarah was in a shock.

“He did what?” Lena screamed at the same time.

“As I told you. He did propose to me, for marriage.” I widely smiled.

“You know you can’t joke about this, right?” Sarah didn’t believe me yet.

“I’m not joking. Do you really think I can joke about this?” I emphasized.

“Oh My God! So that totally handsome and classy guy is going to be your husband? … Wow!” Lena couldn’t hide her excitement.

“Tell me. Tell me everything. I want to know every little single detail about what happened today.” Sarah added immediately.

“Well, he told me that he loves me, and I loved what he said about me, about how special he sees me. I thought nobody could see me that way but he did…” I laid down on my back, throwing my arms on the pillow, “…And then, he opened the little box and said, and I quote, ‘I want to spend every minute for the rest of my life with you. Marry me, please.’” I smiled and relieved a heavy sigh.

“Wow, like in movies…And then, what happened? What did you say?” Lena’s eyes were sparkling out of excitement.

“Do you even have to ask, Lena? … Of course she said: ‘Yes, Ethan, I will marry you. I love you, I always have and always will.’ Right, M?” Sarah giggled. 

“No, smarty!” I said, watching their facial expressions change.

“What do you mean by No?” Sarah asked.

“I mean that I didn’t give him any answer.”

“What? Are you serious? You can’t be serious.” She replied.

“What was I supposed to say? I love you and I was waiting for you to make the move?”

“Yes!” She gave me her furious look.

“What? Of course not. I had to ask him to give me some time to think.” I explained.

“Think? Who are you fooling? …Marie, that’s Ethan, the guy you fell in love with since high school, not some random guy you met a couple of days ago.” She added.

“Yeah, but then again, that’s Ethan, the guy who I never thought had feelings for me. But now, everything seems to change, and it’s all confusing.” I defended my point.

“Girls, calm down!” Lena who kept looking at each of us finally decided to go back on the line.

“I know that. But you know that Ethan would never do that if he doesn’t mean it or if he isn’t serious about it.”

“Yes, but still, I couldn’t just say yes. I need to take my time.”

“Fine, take your time. But just make sure the answer is positive. Otherwise, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, trust me.” She sealed with a friendly smile.

I smiled back.

“Please tell me that we’re not leaving tomorrow.” Lena frowned, changing the topic.

“I wish I could. But we are.” I replied, sadly.

“I haven’t packed my things yet.” She added.

“Nor have I.”

“What are you waiting for you two?” Sarah went back to her bossy mood, “It’s almost midnight and we need to wake up early tomorrow.”

We got up immediately, and started packing. Later we went to sleep.

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