Birthday boy!

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[Me] Hey hey hey guys!
[Dio/JoJo/George] hello Hitarah!
[Me] guess what today is?
[Dio] death day?
[Me] no asshole.
[Dio] tch.
[JoJo] Your Birthday?
[Me] Yes!!
[JoJo] Hugs Him
[Me] aww don't be so soft!
[Dio] we'll get over here you shit-
[Me] wait nooooo-
[Dio] Hugs aswell
[Me] Ugfnenehtwjfewbwtbtw....
[George] awww to sweet!!!

Omg thank you supporters from work! I'm glad people read my stories even tho I just started. :P so, If my work is sloppy don't worry! I'll enhance!!!

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