17. zack

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I brought Jordyn to my house that night. We watched The Fault In Our Stars while eating chips and Pepsi. Everything was cool, even though I hadn’t planned it: we had the entire downstairs to ourselves. Jordyn cried during the movie, so I held her in my arms. Then she rested her head on my shoulder and laced her fingers with mine. I almost fell asleep as I lay there, inhaling her strawberry smell. 

     After the movie finished, we chatted for half an hour before she had to go home. I helped her with her coat and her scarf. 

     Then I leaned in to kiss her goodnight. But she leaned down to do up her boots. I tried again, seconds later, but she simply tousled my hair and said goodnight. Then she left. 

     It shouldn’t have bothered me. But it did. I didn’t fall asleep for hours.

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