Chaper 1 - Adrenaline

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You won your first race at thirteen years old. Losing was not an option, had never been an option. Six years later you've remained undefeated. You've won millions of dollars, car after car. All of that money has gone into your father's drug empire, every penny you've earned was taken to ruin more people's lives.

You're entire life you've been accustomed to guns, death and violence. You watched your mother die at your father's hand, and your little brother at your twin brother's hand. Initiation was hard, you witnessed beatings, killings, torture.

Your initiation into the gang world was a car race. If you lost, you died, simple as that. If you won, you got to live until you lost. So you can't lose, you can never lose. You hate gangs, you hate killing and you hate the pressure forced upon your thinning shoulders; however, you don't wish to die. You don't want to face the same fate as the competitors who are dragged from their cars and shot on the pavement. Left in the sun to rot with ants crawling on their cold skin.

So you don't lose, you fix your car every time, you make it better. You request small portions of money to get upgrades, faster and faster you need your car to be. The second it's one kilometre too slow, your brains will be on the wall.

Just because your dad runs an entire drug empire does not grant you any immunity. You're a great asset, you bring in some of the largest sums of cash in the entire industry, but someone will come along who can do it just as well, if not better, than you can.

Your family is rich and as far as anyone is concerned you get whatever you want. You want a new bed? Done. New car? Done. New family? No can do. You're not materialistic enough to fill the void of a loving family with a play station and a Lamborghini. Although the Lamborghini was really nice.

Deep down one day you wished to die in a car accident on the track. Have the car you've dumped so much time and money into be the thing that finally drains the life from your eyes more than your father already does. As long as it isn't by his hand, by his henchmen's hands... by your brother's hand.

"Y/N the meeting is happening in a mere four hours and you're not ready." The cold voice that so evidently belongs to your father drawls lazily above your head. You stay glued to your bed, completely against the idea.

Every year your father hosts an annual meeting of the major five Seoul gangs. At this meeting, drugs are sold, profits are announced, sex work goes through the roof and even slaves are sold. This year is different though. A new group has moved in, a group that's starting to dominate the drug trade.

They call themselves EXO and their leader is Kim Junmyeon. Although small, their might is unparalleled up until this point in gang history. Your father has graciously offered to host them this year at the "meeting". He feigned kindness but any blind person could see his true intentions. He wanted faces to put to names and the best way to kill each one.

You quickly slip out of bed and walk past your father, into the bathroom and closing the door behind you. As you stare into the bathroom mirror you know you need the four hours to make yourself into the beautiful pawn your father wants. So you do, makeup product after makeup product until when you look into the mirror it's barely you staring back.

But who are you really? The star illegal car racer? The 19-year-old daughter of one of the most notorious gang leaders in Seoul? No. You can't be, but if you aren't then who can you be?

The knocking at the door comes quickly and sharply, making you jump a little. You pad to the door, opening it and looking at your dad's lackey. "Your dress is waiting on your bed, Miss. You're expected downstairs in ten minutes.

Without waiting for a reply he knows won't come, the man leaves the bathroom and your bedroom subsequently. You go to your room and the maid your father bought last year is waiting patiently, holding a navy blue gown and a pair of black heels which are set beside her. Allowing her to help you dress, you try to avoid her eyes. Who are you to resent the life you've been given when she's been sold into a much worse one.

You take the heels from her, slipping the uncomfortable shoes onto your feet. Swiftly, you walk out of the room and find your way slowly into the living room. Your father and twin brother sit across from each other at the table, passing a gun back and forth.

"It's 9mm. Not too bad, no silencer and it's loud," your brother says but stops when he sees you.

"Do you have your thigh strap?" Your dad asks you, tossing the gun at you like it's nothing more than car keys. You catch it in one hand and nod, slipping your gun into the holster. He knows you'd never use it, even if someone had a gun to your head. You'd hit someone with a car easily, but not a gun. You can't run away from a dead body falling onto you.

You are ushered into a black van quickly, being held by the upper arm even though you're capable of walking on your own. No one lets you do anything alone, there's always someone lurking just behind every corner. As your brother sits beside you, you shift away, the gun being pressed into the skin of your thigh.

"Sales have been going up recently," your brother says to you. "Cocaine and Heroine are on the rise while marijuana is on the downfall another year." You turn to face him fully.

"Jake shut the fuck up," you snap, turning back around. The punch comes to your side swiftly but painfully as you feel your ribs screaming at you. You don't cry out, even as you hit the car wall. The van starts to move as the pain subsides.

"Kids stop bickering," your dad chuckles sarcastically. "We have a more pressing matter. The new Seoul gang is coming today. Y/N, your initiation begins tonight."

"My initiation?" You deadpan back.

"I want you to kill their leader, Kim Junmyeon."

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