Chapter 36 - Street

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     You're not sure when you fell asleep, but the next thing you know you're alone in Yixing's bed; Light streaming weakly through the curtains. Sitting up, you peek at the clock to see that it's 11:00 am, way past when you usually wake up.

     You hastily pull on some clothes, running to the bathroom to freshen up and become somewhat presentable. You're never sure why you always make sure you're presentable before going downstairs, EXO has definitely seen you in less than presentable states. Shot, fainted, malnourished, starving. Making sure your hair is brushed really wouldn't phase them at this point, they'd probably just be happy you're breathing.

     Before you can get too lost in your head, you pull open the bathroom door and start down the stairs. When you get to the kitchen, Jongdae is the only one there. He looks up from his phone and looks at you, a smile spreading across his face.

"Good morning," he chimes. "I made pancakes. They're in the warming drawer."

"Thanks," you reply, turning to get them out. "Where is everyone?"

"It'll just be me and you for a couple hours. The others went to go work on the invasion plan with Bigbang a little more. They also went to go check in on Block B to see where they stand," Jongdae answers, shutting his phone off and placing it down. "The plan will be final soon enough and your father will be gone. We just need to have Park Kyung either be in or out, we have to finalize numbers before we can full send it."

You pour some syrup on your pancakes, "Did you really just say "full send it" in regards to a murder plan?" Jongdae laughs, laying back in his chair a little more.

"Yixing told us that you want to come along when we take your dad out," he says, taking a sip of his orange juice. "Do you want to be the one to kill him?"

You take a seat, "No, not at all. I won't stand for you all risking your lives out there while I sit idly and do dick all. I won't do it, it's just stupid for me to. I'm no killer, but I have very good aim with a gun and know if I needed to I'd be able to take down anyone for you guys. It's a matter of me needing to make sure my father is really dead. I need to see him dead to be able to sleep at night knowing he's gone. Why? Do you think it's a bad idea?"

"We're in absolutely no position to tell you what you can and cannot do. If you want to come then you should come, it's not going to make the biggest difference one way or another. If you need to be there to get the closure you desire, then by all means I believe you should be there." Jongdae steals a strawberry off your plate, popping it in his mouth.

"I know the least about you, you know," you say, waving your fork like you're going to hit him with it.

"Honestly my story isn't remarkable. I've never met my parents. I was left on the doorstep of my uncle's house when I was just a newborn baby. He took me in but as a single man with a low income job I was more hassle than he could afford so he kicked me out when I was fourteen. I lived with some of my friends off and on but most of the time I was sleeping on the streets and stealing food. I wasn't involved in any gang related activities until Junmyeon found me and took me home with him. He said that as long as I did my part which was cleaning the house and helping cook, he didn't need me to do anything illegal if I didn't want to.

Ironically enough, that winter was one of the coldest winters ever and I'm positive if I was still living on the street by winter, I would've died that year. I ended up loving everyone who lived here so much I got into doing some illegal things to help out more, because I refused to be the dead weight. I knew Junmyeon wouldn't have ever kicked me out but I still wanted to feel useful." Jongdae shrugs.

     "You lived alone on the streets?" You ask, heart clenching for the poor man.

     "Yeah, but since I was a teenager a lot of people did give me money. I was able to eat just fine because of it, but it was an awful experience and I don't wish it on anyone. Now whenever I see a homeless person I give them money, because people showed me the same kindness and I can spare it," He steals another strawberry off your plate. Jongdae stands and walks to the cupboard.

     You sit in a little bit of shock, "It's amazing how Junmyeon can unite people so easily."

     "All of us were people in need. It was a mutual thing, we needed each other to survive," Jongdae says. He places the bottle of vitamins in front of you. "Don't forget to take those."

     You nod, "Thank you. I mean, I needed you guys too and whether or not your intentions were good or not you all saved my life."

     "I'll never stop feeling bad over what we were going to do to you," Jongdae says. You shake your head.

     "After I read the note Zico left me, I knew I was able to trust you all again. Our pasts have brought us together one way or another and now we have to focus on what we obtained. Junmyeon built a family here, he formed a united front, which is all that matters now."

     "You're too good for us, Y/N," He says.

     You laugh, "I killed my own twin with the bone of my little brother. I'm not exactly good anymore."

     "You're still a good person to all of us. We've killed many people and don't you still think we're good people?"

     You nod, "Maybe you're right."

In the Backseat {A Zhang Yixing Mafia AU!}Where stories live. Discover now